Волонтерство у Північній Ірландії

Тебе не лякає мінлива погода? Тоді довгострокове волонтерство у Північній Ірландії – саме те, що потрібно!

НГО “Стелла” шукає волонтера для 12-місячного проекта у Белфасті.

Коли: починаючи з вересня-лютого ( можливість обрати) на 12 місяців

Де: Белфаст, Північна Ірландія

Дедлайн: 2 квітня 2019

Tools for Solidarity (TFS) is a charitable organisation, based in Belfast, which supports artisans and communities in some of the poorest countries in the world by providing high quality refurbished hand tools and sewing machines. TFS has few waged staff and relies on the commitment of people who are involved and wish to become involved in our work.

TFS has three basic aims:

To provide people, communities and projects with basic hand tools and sewing machines so that they may practice their skills and improve the quality of their own and their community’s life. The tools enable the people who receive them to establish small co-operative and community businesses as well as provide training in vocational schools and opportunities for employment for disabled and women’s groups.

To raise awareness throughout Northern Ireland (NI) about the issues of sustainable development within our own society as well as in the so-called “Third World”. These issues include the environment, waste and recycling, appropriate technology, self-reliance, sustainability and community development. In the last 5 years we have restarted our education programme with local primary schools and community groups – called Education for Sustainable Development, the programme is run by an Ex-EVS volunteer Laura.

To provide opportunities for people in NI to participate in worthwhile and valuable work. TFS is particularly committed to working with all sections of the community in NI and to focus on providing sheltered placements for people with special needs and those normally excluded from being able to contribute to society in a positive way.

TFS will be looking for volunteers 18-30 years old for 1 year placements.

Volunteers will be required to

  • take on responsibility – answer phones and take initiative
  • be able to work as part of a team
  • be a good listener and be able to communicate with others
  • work with supported volunteers
  • be able to do physical and repetitive work, e.g. check sewing machines, other tools
  • lift heavy objects e.g. sewing machines
  • assist with the management of the organisation
  • work to agreed times – timekeeping is very important

The work at TFS is very demanding. There is much more work than we are able to do. Volunteers work 32.5 hours per week including breaks. Note that the workshop is cold during the winter.

TFS only works well if the volunteers are happy and committed to be there. Please only apply if you are willing to give 100%.

In order to apply, please send filled questionnaire with a CV and motivation letter to tools.belfast@myphone.coop.

Don’t forget to indicate that your sending organization is the Non-governmental organization “Kharkiv association for active youth” Stella “(PIC 947609200).

Questionnaire and more info about the project, you can find here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t1765yiszh59e0r/AACgiAAeDVhXTfoHFk61nV3xa?dl=0

Бажаємо успіхів!

До речі, Unistudy анонсує перший в цьому році міні онлайн-курс з теми написання трьох різних видів мотиваційних есе. Він підійде усім, кому важко описати свій досвід та завжди бракує натхнення, а іноді й часу.

На вас чекають 3 відеолекції про 3 приклади мотиваційних есе, автор яких отримала стипендію та участь у бажаній освітній програмі. Реєструйся на онлайн-курс “EXCELLENT ESSAY: три види, одна формула”

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