Літня школа “Transparency International School on Integrity”

Молоді лідери запрошуються до участі в школі “Transparency International School on Integrity”, протягом якої вони дізнаються про ефективні методи боротьби з корупцією. Організатори пропонують обмежену кількість повних або часткових стипендій.

Дати: 6 – 12 липня 2015 року.

Місце: Вільнюс, Литва.

Дедлайн: 1 травня 2015 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

TISI is for senior students, graduates and young professionals eager to learn how to make a stand against corruption and to achieve greater transparency in their country. The seven-day format offers a powerful mix of an intensive academic schedule, unconference-like atmosphere and continuous peer-to-peer interactions which all makes it into an unforgettable one-week-long adventure.

TISI usually hosts an equal share of participants from private and public sectors, NGOs and academia from Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. Such diversity in background and experience further strengthen our applied approach to anti-corruption and transparency. So, the students not only learn about the causes of corruption but also spend a larger part of their time learning practical ways in which societies can become more transparent and accountable.

In July 2015, once again we will welcome around 140 future leaders from more than 60 countries for a seven day event in the beautiful Lithuanian capital Vilnius. The number of places and scholarships is limited, so we encourage you to apply fully prepared and well in advance.

The School features three teaching modules that cover the public sector, the private sector and civic empowerment tools. Each module deals both with theory and practice and includes:

  • Public sector – grand and small corruption, measuring corruption, state capture, political party financing, public procurement, etc.Private sector – international anti-corruption mechanisms, corporate reporting standards and corruption in different industry sectors, such as the media or sports, etc.
  • The civic empowerment module addresses the role of citizens in monitoring the activities of the state and explores ways in which people can become involved in the public decision-making process, in reporting corruption and in anti-corruption activities.

The application process
Applying is really simple – just fill out and submit our online application form. Please note that you will be asked to upload a short motivational letter along with your Europass CV. We strongly advise that you prepare these in advance and have them ready before you start filling out your application form.

Who can apply?
The School is open to senior students, graduates and young professionals under the age of 35.
We welcome individuals from public, private, non-governmental and academic sectors, from all academic backgrounds.

TI School does not discriminate its applicants on the grounds of race, color, national origin, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, political beliefs, marital, familial or parental status, sexual orientation or any other basis.

Джерело: http://transparencyschool.org/summer-school/

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