Програма для молодих фахівців

Державні службовці та працівники громадських організацій запрошуються до участі в літній академій, яку організовує Шведський інститут.

Дати: 8 – 20 червня 2015 року, 15 – 26 червня 2015 року.

Місце: Лунд або Мальмо, Швеція.

Дедлайн: 24 квітня

Детальний опис англійською:

The Swedish Institute is pleased to welcome applications from policymakers, public servants and civil society workers in Belarus, Georgia, Lithuania, Moldova, Sweden and Ukraine. In 2015, SAYP will be held as two separate two-week intense training sessions with 30–36 participants each. The training sessions will be held in Sweden at Lund University between 8 and 20 June, and at Malmö University between 15 and 26 June.

Programme outline
The SI Summer Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP) is a training programme developed to build awareness, capacity and resilience in the practice of governance in the countries in the Baltic Sea region and the EU Eastern Partnership. At the same time the focus of SAYP is to strengthen young professionals and their individual capabilities to meet the requirement of a modern governance structure.

Participation in the training session is free of charge and includes food, accommodation and travel expenses to Sweden. The programme also includes possibilities to participate in follow-ups and thematic workshops afterwards, as fellows of the Swedish Institute alumni network – a vast professional and global contact network meant to keep building good practices and mutual learning processes for a sustainable future.

Target groups
The programme is targeted primarily at young professionals (up to 35 years old) already employed in the state structures, working with development of policy and measures to create a more transparent, resilient and efficient public administration. Applicants may preferably work within financial management/control and audit services, but may also work in other parts of the administration. In 2015, we are focusing on young professionals from these groups:

  • Policymakers (politicians, government officials, employees of political parties)
  • Public servants (non-political civil servants working at government agencies)
  • Civil society workers (CSO/NGO volunteers/employees)

How to apply
1) Please read the instructions, available on the SI website (https://eng.si.se/areas-of-operation/scholarships-and-grants/visby-programme/si-summer-academy-for-young-professionals/)

2) Complete your application, with the following enclosures:

  • Letter of Motivation (SI template mandatory)
  • Curriculum Vitae (Europass template mandatory)
  • Letter of Reference (SI template recommended)

3) Submit your application, using the SI online application portal. The portal will be open for applications between 30 March and 24 April 2015.

Джерело: https://eng.si.se/summer-academy-for-young-professionals/

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