Літня академія у Варшаві

Варшавська Євро-Атлантична літня академія запрошує до участі експертів, активістів неурядового сектора, журналістів зі Східної Європи.

Місце: Варшава, Польща.

Дати: 4 – 15 липня 2016 року.

Дедлайн: 30 квітня 2016 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

The College of Europe Natolin Campus, the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) and the Polish-American Freedom Foundation announce a call for applications for the fourth edition of the Warsaw Euro-Atlantic Summer Academy (WEASA).

WEASA 2016 edition will be devoted to the issue of “Regional Policy and Regional Development: Euro-Atlantic Support to Eastern Partnership Countries”. WEASA 2016 program aims to introduce participants to the changes in priorities and architecture of external support introduced in 2015 by the European Union and the United States; provide a forum for dialogue on shaping future support based on EaP comments, concerns, expectations and recommendations, and examine four areas within regional policy and regional development.


Within the broad theme of regional policy and regional development, and with an overarching theme of external trans-Atlantic support, we propose that WEASA 2016 should concentrate on the following topics:

  • Cross-border cooperation;
  • Central-regional relations, including the role of regional elites;
  • Regional security and crisis management dimension;
  • Clusters development and economic growth.

 Participant’s profile

The 2016 Academy will be addressed to public servants from central, regional and local levels, including those involved in the field of foreign assistance and development cooperation (programming and implementation, both at the central government and the regional levels), private sector, NGOs, media, members of the academia specialising in relevant issues.


We thus encourage up-and-coming policy analysts, experts, advisers, public servants, private sector specialists, journalists and NGOs from the Eastern Partnership region (i.e. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine), focusing on the issues of European integration, regional policy and regional development, management of external support, and/or state transformation processes and transatlantic cooperation to submit their applications for WEASA’s 2016 edition.

Priority will be given to mid-career professionals with at least five years of experience in the aforementioned programmatic areas.

Travel, boarding and accommodation will be covered by WEASA.

Джерело: http://www.weasa.org/call-for-applications/

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