Тренінговий курс “Peer builders of peace”

Цікава можливість для вчителів та молодіжних робітників, які цікавляться темою побудови миру в своїх громадах.

Дедлайн – 12 вересня.

Детальний опис англійською:

NGO “European Youth Community” is searching for 2 young and active people interested in the topic of the project!
Youth Exchange “Peer builders of peace” 3.10-11.10.2017 Flecken Zechlin, Germany.

The main aim of the training course is to equip youth leaders, workers and educators coming from conflict affected areas with knowledge and non formal tools regarding peace building and to inspire and motivate them to use peer education for promoting peace in their communities.

The training will consist of 8 days of program (3-11 October 2017). All the participants are expected to attend the full program.

Hosting organization: Verein zur Jugendförderung des DGB Bezirks Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.

Our project is financed by Erasmus + Programme. Accommodation and food will be provided by organizers. Travel costs will be covered according to the funding rules of Erasmus + Programme based on Erasmus+ distance calculator as follows (cost per participant, return ticket, in EUR): Ukraine 275 eur.
Except of travel, we also cover visa costs for countries and participants who need it.

We are looking for youth workers, youth leaders, teachers, who:

  • are 18 and more,
  • are interested in the topic of peace education,
  • are interested in discovering new non-formal tools for tackling different topics,
  • are ready to spread the results created within this project,
  • are ready to participate full 8 days of the training,
  • can express thoughts freely in English, as all the sessions will be held in English.

For more info feel free to contact us eyc.ngo@gmail.com

FB: https://www.facebook.com/ngoeyc/

DDL for application: 12 of September 2017, 23:59 CET.
Participation fee – 25 euro.
Application formhttps://goo.gl/forms/dzmFGSd85YsAZhdI2

Фото – Unsplash

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