Стипендія IOE Centenary Masters Scholarships в Лондоні

Студентів, які вступлять або вже вступили на програми магістратури в UCL Institute of Education, можуть претендувати на стипендії на покриття витрат на навчання та проживання.

Дедлайн: 5 квітня, щорічно

Старт навчання: жовтень 2019

Місце: Лондон, Великобританія

Деталі англійською мовою

Brief description:

For 2019/20, IOE is offering Centenary Masters Scholarships for students who plan to work either in their home country, or another, to improve the circumstances of disadvantaged, excluded or underachieving citizens.

Host Institution(s):

Institute of Education, University College London in UK

Field(s) of study:

Full-time Taught Master’s Degree programmes offered at UCL Institute of Education

Please note that online courses are not eligible for these scholarships.

Target group:

Students from low or lower-middle income country

Scholarship value/inclusions:

Scholarships will cover full tuition fees and 1-year accommodation at International Students House. Please note that these scholarships do not cover subsistence in London, travel, or any other costs.


Candidates should:

  • be citizens and residents of a low or middle income country with a GNI not higher than $8000 per capita (as per the World Bank GNI per capita classification tables)
  • have an offer to study a full time masters degree in London at the UCL Institute of Education (October 2019 start).
  • Not have studied or lived in the UK before.

Application instructions:

Eligible offer holders will receive an email with details of how to apply for these scholarships.  The deadline to apply for these scholarships is 5 April 2019 (23:59 London time).

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


Official Scholarship Website:  http://www.ucl.ac.uk/ioe/about/global-engagement/scholarships-funding


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