Тренінг особистісного розвитку для тренерів

Керівниця UniStudy рекомендує:)
Тренінг для тих, хто хоче набути нових знань у сфері неформальної освіти та прокачати свої тренерські навички.
Місце: Діліжан, Вірменія.
Дати: 2 – 8 серпня 2016 року.
Дедлайн: 11 червня.
Essential trainer competencies
Many training courses for trainers in the youth field have a specific theme, meaning the focus for the development of competencies comes directly with the aim to equip participants to transmit that theme as a trainer. As a result, many basic but important skills are not covered.
This project will purely focus on being a trainer. It will help you to develop your trainer competencies for your personal development in the youth field and for the development of the youth field in general.
The aim of the project is: to build the competencies of beginning trainers in working with groups of young people in non-formal education.
What can you get out of it?
  • Build your confidence in working with young people and groups.
  • Come to better understand your motivation to work in the youth field.
  • Improve your communication skills, and develop yourself as team member.
  • Get empowered by becoming aware of your talents and strong aspects of your character as trainer.
  • Increase your awareness of your body and emotions, and understanding of how this influences the work of a trainer.
General info
  • August 2-8, 2016 in Dilijan, Armenia
  • 7 Working days plus 1 arrival and 1 departure day.
  • The working language is English.
  • 24 Participants from 8 countries: The Netherlands, Estonia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Romania, Armenia, Ukraine, Georgia.

Детальна інформація та посилання на аплікацйну форму в брошурі: FeelTheFlow_ExploreYourselfTrainer_CallForParticipants

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