Європейський тренінг для адвокатів та миротворців

Тренінг розраховано на молодих людей, що бажають розвиватися у миротворчій діяльності.

Дати: 9 – 16 березня 2016 року.

Місце: Гаага, Нідерланди.

Дедлайн: 27 грудня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNOY Peacebuilders), are pleased to invite you to apply for participation in our Training for Advocates: Bringing Peace to Policy.

The purpose of this training for advocates is to build the skills and knowledge of young peacebuilders on European advocacy on youth participation in peacebuilding and countering violent extremism (CVE). The training aims to link young people’s peace activism with advocacy at the European level. It will be an opportunity to exchange ideas, experiences and approaches on advocacy and it’s aiming to connect the experiences of young change makers and peacebuilders with the international policy realm. The methodology of the training will be based on non-formal education. Participants will have a central role during the training by sharing their own knowledge and ideas. Participants should come prepared to learn from each other and to share their own advocacy experiences. Intercultural learning is another integral part of the educational approach of the programme and will be maximized through team building activities and encouraging work in small multicultural groups.


The group of 20 participants will consist of young peace builders:

  • coming from conflict- and post-conflict communities, communities that experience high levels of direct violence and communities where violent extremism is on the rise
  • coming from youth peacebuilding organizations – both inside and outside the UNOY network.
  • are aged between 18 and 30
  • are coming from a Council of Europe member state (or a signatory state of the European Cultural Convention)
  • are fluent in English since the working language of the training will be English.
  • hold a passport

Priority will be given to participants who:

  • have experience in the fields of peace building, conflict transformation, human security and/or advocacy.
  • have prior experience or shown interest in advocacy on the local, national or international level.
  • are currently active in an organisation, program or project in the above fields.
  • have experience with working in conflict and post-conflict areas and situations.
  • have experience in working with policy-making institutions and its affiliated bodies.
  • are committed to multiply the outcomes of the training in their own work.

The selection of participants will be based on applicants’ motivation and experience, as well as gender balance and geographical diversity.

Practical information

Where: The Hague, The Netherlands.

When: March 9th – March 16th 2016

Language: The working language will be English.

Participants must be available to attend the entire duration of the training, take part in the online phase preceding the face-to-face training and commit to multiplying the learnings from the training in the own organization. A European Youth Advocacy Team (E-YAT) will be created based on participants from the training. The training will function as a co-creation session, where participants all contribute to creating a solid advocacy strategy for the European UNOY Network and for the E-YAT (European Youth Advocacy Team). As the training participants will all come from youth peace organizations, participants are also expected to reach out to their own organizations with the work of the E-YAT and thereby build the constituency of the E-YAT.

Costs and accommodation

The participation fee is € 50 for all participants.

The organizers will cover:

  • Visa fee
  • Local transportation costs to/from the airport
  • Accommodation in a youth hostel in the Hague for the duration of the workshop (shared rooms)
  • Full boarding for the duration of the workshop (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  • Other workshop related costs (training material, travel costs during the workshop, etc.)
  • 70 % of international travel costs – (NB: travel costs must be approved by organizers beforehand)

Note: Only the cheapest mean of transportation will be reimbursed (economy class, no taxi). Under 600km of distance participants are required to travel ON LAND.


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  1. http://rvps.com.ua/ тут я знайшов багато інформації про тренінги за кордоном))

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