Літня школа від ETH Zurich

Університет ETH Zurich пропонує 20 стипендій на навчання у літній школі Amgen Scholars Program. До участі запрошуються студенти-бакалаври, які вивчають біологію.

Дедлайн – 1 лютого.

Детальний опис англійською:

The ten-week programme covers nine weeks of intensive research in a state-of-the art laboratory in Zurich or Basel. Working as part of a research team, you will have the opportunity to interact with leading scientists and doctoral students.

A closing highlight of the programme is the joint symposium for all European Amgen Scholars in Cambridge, UK.

In addition to conducting hands-on research, as an Amgen Scholar at ETH you will attend workshops and events offering both insights into state-of-the art research and the opportunity to learn cross-cutting skills such as communication, scientific writing and intercultural skills.

Apply online

  1. First you need to register with SiROP (press CTRL+click to open in new window)To register search for your home university in the list provided or create an account using an email address.
  2. After completing your registration, click the online application link below where you will find the «Apply now» button at the bottom of the linked SiROP page.

After clicking «Apply now» button at the bottom of the SiROP page you will be asked to fill in personal data and upload several documents:

  • Your CV. Please be sure to list any lab skills you already may have acquired and your respective proficiency.
    You may use any CV format you wish – if you need help, please feel free to use the Europass format.
  • Official academic transcript from your home university
  • Letter of motivation/Personal statement (max 1 page).
    Describe in your own words why you have chosen your proposed scientific area of research. Explain what you hope to accomplish by becoming an Amgen Scholar and how it will support your academic or career goals and prepare you for a career in research.
    A good personal statement can be written in half a page and you should aim not to write more than a full A4 page. Lay it out carefully to make it easy to read.
  • Two Letters of recommendation. Request these letters of recommendation from your academic referees. Referees should use the respective form (PDF, 328 KB). They can sign the recommendation using an electronic signature, or they can print, sign, and scan the form. Upload these two letters as part of your application.

Only complete applications with all the required documents can be considered for admission.

Джерело: https://www.ethz.ch/en/studies/non-degree-courses/summer-projects/amgen-scholars/how-to-apply.html

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