DAAD: літні курси з вивчення німецької мови у Німеччині

Що: University Summer Courses offered in Germany for Foreign Students and Graduates DAAD

Для кого: для студентів бакалаврату та магістратури для покращення німецької мови і знань про країну, культуру

Терміни: 2022 рік

Дедлайн: грудень 2021


  • переліт, страхування, відвідування курсів
  • стипендія €1236


This programme aims to deepen knowledge of the German language (general language, technical language) and regional studies.

Who can apply?

  • Students in Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes of alle disciplines are eligible to apply.
  • Bachelor students must have completed at least two university years at the start of the scholarship.

What can be funded?

  • Funding is provided for participation in language, regional studies and technical language courses offered by state or state-recognised German higher education institutions and language course providers affiliated with higher education institutions.
  • Course providers and courses offered can be found on the DAAD website at: www.daad.de/hsk-kursliste.
  • The courses are taught exclusively in German.

Duration of the funding

  • The courses have a duration of at least 18 teaching days (max. 5 days/week, excluding arrival and departure days) with at least 25 teaching hours per week each.
  • The scholarships cannot be extended.
  • The courses usually take place in the months ofJune to November.


  • One-time scholarship payment of 1,061 euros; scholarship holders from the “Least Developed Countries” receive a scholarship in the amount of1,236 euros.
  • Payment of a country-specific travel allowance (exception: Western Europe), see: travel allowance.
  • Health, accident and personal liability insurance benefits.

Please note:
The course fees and accommodation costs are usually deducted directly by the language course provider from the scholarship benefits to be paid out, so that the scholarship holder may “only” receive the difference to the full amount from the course provider.
The above-mentioned scholarship benefits (including the flat-rate travel allowance) are not transferred abroad.]


  • A selection committee reviews applications
  • Key selection criteria are:
    – the academic achievements to date
    – a convincing motivation with regard to studies and subject selection

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4 коментарі

  1. Анонім :

    Доброго дня! Якщо я студентка 4 курса, чи можу я подавати заявку, бо наскільки знаю випускний на 4 курсі та зно на магістра в липні, а програма з червня?

  2. Іван :

    Добрий вечір, де можна подати заявку?

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