Програма “Bridge Fellowship”

Молоді люди від 20 до 32 років, які цікавляться питаннями медитації, продуктивної саморефлексії, досягненням внутрішнього спокою, конструктивним вирішеням конфліктів, запрошуються до участі в короткостроковій програмі “Bridge Fellowship”.

Дати: 11 – 14 березня 2016 року.

Місце: Грузія.

Дедлайн: 15 грудня.

Детальний опис англійською:

In our everyday lives we meet many challenges, accomplish various tasks and deal with fast approaching deadlines. Very rarely can we find time for ourselves, time to stop and think, to pose the questions and to allow ourselves to find the answers. The overwhelming nature of our lives may lead to an increasing stress, the danger of engagement into ongoing conflicts or generation of new ones.

It is time to ask yourself whether you want to be a part of the ongoing conflicts or you want to contribute to solving them. If you choose the second option, we propose you a unique opportunity to allow time for yourself in beautiful Georgia, accompanied by your like-minded peers.

The Peace Revolution Bridge Youth Fellowship will bring together 30 young people from Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia who are interested in learning and exploring self-reflection as primary mean to create real world change. We believe that the establishment of peace in the region and in the world may be possible only if there is peace in each one of us (“Peace In + Peace Out = Sustainable World Peace”).

This retreat aims to promote a culture of peace, tolerance and conflict prevention through the means of meditation and self-development. It will include interactive activities, meditation and yoga sessions, lectures and discussions providing the participants with the skills for non-violent resistance, peace education, enhanced creativity and stress-management. Participants will have a chance to explore meditation as a practice which can cultivate skills to deal with challenges within peace-building and youth work, which makes this fellowship different from others.

The Bridge fellowship will take place in Georgia for the second time. The working language is English. For more information, check out last year’s BRIDGE fellowship.


  • To bring young leaders and activists from the Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia together, provide a forum for networking and exchange of experience through dialogue and cooperation.
  • To empower young people, offering them the space to create ideas for implementation of activities and events in their own communities.
  • To promote tools of non-violent communication and peace building that can be applied in all cultures.
  • To develop and strengthen an active network of young peace builders that aims to boost creativity and to support personal and professional development.
  • To explore the idea of self-development and inner change as a core foundation of sustainable world change.


The fellowship fee as well as accommodation and food will be covered for the selected participants by the World Peace Initiative. Contribution to the coverage of airfare is possible based on personal statement of motivation.

Eligibility Criteria

In order to be chosen as participants for the Bridge Fellowship, the candidates should:

  • Be the nationals and residents of the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan;
  • Be 20-32 years old at the time of submitting the application (to be eligible for the partial airfare support);
  • Have completed at least 21 days of the online self-development program.
  • Have good proficiency in written and spoken English;
  • Be optimistic and open-minded, with demonstrated leadership potential, interested in cultivation and promotion of peace and mindfulness.

After completing 21 days of the online self-development program, the Peace Revolution selection committee will make an interview appointment based on your performance, available funding, as well as group combination in the fellowship. The interviews will be conducted on rolling basis; therefore, those participants who have completed the 21 days of the online self-development program early will receive the interview call first.

Джерело: https://peacerevolution.net/docs/en/bridge-fellowship

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