Зимова школа “Biopower and Semiotics of the Body” 2017 в Естонії

Студенти-бакалаври на останньому році навчання, магістри, аспіранти та випускники запрошуються до участі в зимовій школі, організованій університетом Тарту та Вищої школою економіки (Москва).

Дати: 20 – 25 лютого 2917 року.

Місце: Тарту, Естонія.

Дедлайн: 1 грудня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The University of Tartu and the Higher School of Economics, Moscow invite graduate, post-graduate and PhD students to apply for the winter school “Biopower and Semiotics of the Body”. This school is part of an international project “Escapes from Modernity” which has been organizing seasonal schools in several European countries since 2007.

In February 2017, the school will keep exploring different dimensions of biopolitics, biopower and corporeality and relate them with domestic and foreign policies of major international actors. This year we shall particularly focus on the cultural semiotic reading of various facets of biopolitical practices and relations (please see more information in CfP attached).

Title: “Biopower and Semiotics of the Body”
Dates: 20-25 February 2017
Venue: Kääriku Leisure and Sports Centre of the University of Tartu, situated in a beautiful area in Valga County, about 40 km south of Tartu, near the Otepää winter resort.
Working language: English
Eligibility: Senior B.A., M.A. and PhD students
Diploma: 4 ECTS
Cost: participants cover their travel to/from Kääriku and lodging during the school. For additional information about participation fee please contact olena.solohub@ut.ee.
Application deadline: December 1, 2016

How to apply: submit your CV and motivation letter (max 2 pages) explaining your interest in school topic and its relevance for your future career to olena.solohub@ut.ee.

Webpage:  http://skytte.ut.ee/en/news/winter-school-biopower-and-semiotics-body-2017-kaariku

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