26-й Міжнародний молодіжний форум

Молодь віком від 18 до 26 років з усього світу запрошується до участі в Міжнародному молодіжному форумі в Південній Кореї. Теми цього року: молодіжна перспектива досягнення цілей тисячоліття та внесок молоді у сталий розвиток.

Дати: 18 – 24 серпня.

Місце: Seoul and Muju, Republic of Korea

Дедлайн: 6 липня.

Детальний опис англійською:


  • To makeyouthaware of global issues, offering an opportunity to tackle them and to find alternative ways or solutions
  • To improve cooperation and mutual understanding among youths across diverse cultures
  • To spread goodwill around the world and to build interactive global citizenship through networking among youths


  • Overseas participants:60 delegates
  • Korean participants: 20 delegates
  • Organizing Committee: 10 people
  • Qualifications
    – Youthbetween the ages of 18 and 26 who are significantly interested in the topic
    – Participants should have a good ability of English

Financial Aid

  • Travel cost (airfare) will besubsidizedby the organizer (NCYOK)except ASIA(Northeast Asia, Southwest Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia)according to the criteria below:

-Participants travel from Africa, Oceania, Europe and American regions: \550,000

Application and Required Documents

Application closing date is 6th July(Mon), 2015
* The admission will be determined and informed within5daysfromthe day of submission.

Applicants need to submit:

  • A completed application
  • An English essay: A4, 1~2pages, font 12, Times New Roman, single-spaced, Title: ‘Youth in MDGs and Post 2015’

Please turn in the above documentsonly via E-mail (pjwnhi@koreayouth.net)
(The title of e-mail should be ‘Youth Forum Applicants –Joowon Park (name of applicant)

Джерело: http://www.koreayouth.net/bbs/board.php?bo_table=eng_02&wr_id=23

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