Молодіжний обмін у Словаччині

Харківська НГО “Стелла” запрошує учасників на новий проект.

Дедлайн – 10 вересня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Call for 5 participants and 1 group leader for the youth exchange in Snina, Slovakia.

Arrival day: 9th of October 2016
Activities start: 10th of October 2016
Activities end: 15th of October 2016
Departure day: 16th of October 2016

Project will gather 38 young people from 6 european countries for 8 days in Snina, Slovakia. The main priority of the project is to improve ability of an empathy and understanding of young people, to enhance real interest about topics such as inclusion, xenophobia, migration, stereotypes, tolerance, cultural sensitivity, etc.

Europe is currently in the period which brings lots of changes in social, economical and also cultural areas. One of the most common issues is migration and polarization of opinions on how to solve the
situation which brings lots of tension in media, politics and in life in general.

During the whole project we will use methods of non-formal education (role plays, games, video recording workshop, excursion…) which will make the learning about mentioned topics easy, understandable and interesting. During the project we will together create a film to promote embracing of the diversity.

The objectives of the YE are:

  • To raise general awareness of the participants regarding the topics: xenophobia, migration
  • To develop the sense of social inclusion, abilities of empathy, respect, tolerance, solidarity towards
    individuals and groups that are exposed to attacks from the society
  • To promote understanding of the possible personal impacts of belonging to a certain minority or cultural group in the society
  • To acquire new skills in the domain of filming, camera work, film techniques, video editing, sound
  • To raise awareness of inequality of opportunities in the society and to provide information on the impact of the exclusion of individuals or groups
  • To promote intercultural cooperation and partnerships

Profile of the participants: 

  • 6 participants per country: 1 leader +5 participants;
  • 18 – 30 years old (leader without age limit);
  • interested in the theme of the project;
  • coming from disadvantaged environments, realted with migration,
    minority problems, social exclusion, etc.;
  • at least one the participants must be experienced in digital media
    (recording movies) & willing to work on media output during the project;
  • able to express themselves in English (as it will be the working language);
  • ability to participate on full duration of the exchange.

Each group is expected to record a short video related with the topic of the project. More info will be sent to participants after the final selection from partner’s side.

Travel costs are covered 100% using the cheapest mean of transport, taxi and 1st class tickets won’t be covered.
Yearly membership fee – 30 euros

Project will be realized in the green area of Sninské Rybníky (Snina pounds) in Snina town neighborhood. We will be accommodated in hotel Vihorlat resort situated right in the recreation area of Sninské rybníky. During the whole period of project we will be the only people accommodated there so we will have the whole hotel for us. Behind the hotel there is a playground where which we can use for the outdoor activities. There are possibilities of hiking in the nature during free time.

Participants will stay in 2 and 3-bed rooms. They will be divided according to gender and in mixed nationalities. There is a toilet and shower in every room. Participants will be provided 3 meals per day
according to their dietary needs, if any and 2 coffee breaks including snacks.

You can find additional information and pictures of the hotel on this link:http://www.vihorlatresort.sk

In order to apply please fill in the form:


DEADLINE: 10th September 2016

Джерело: https://vk.com/ngo.stella

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