Програма “Greenberg World Fellows Program”

Відкрито подачу заяв на участь у програмі “Greenberg World Fellows Program”, яка передбачає 4-місячне академічне стажування в Йєльському університеті. Для участі в програмі немає обмежень за віком.

Дедлайн: 6 грудня 2017 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

Applications to the Yale World Fellows program are accepted from across sectors and around the world.  Each class of Fellows is a unique group: geographically balanced, and representative of a wide range of professions, talents, and perspectives.  The 2016 Program will run from mid-August to mid-December.  Fellows are expected to be in residence at Yale for the duration of the Program.

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • be in the mid-career stage Fellows are at least five, and typically not more than twenty, years into their careers, with demonstrated work accomplishments, and a clear indication of future contributions and excellence.  The average age of a World Fellow is 39, though there is no minimum or maximum age limit
  • be fluent in English An excellent command of the English language is essential.
  • be a citizen of a country other than the United States  While dual citizens are eligible, preference is given to candidates whose work is focused outside the US.

Selection criteria include:

  • An established record of extraordinary achievement and integrity;
  • Commitment to engagement in crucial issues and to making a difference at the national or international level;
  • Promise of a future career of leadership and notable impact;
  • Special capacity for critical, creative, entrepreneurial, and strategic thinking;
  • Likelihood to benefit from participation in the Program and to contribute to global understanding at Yale;
  • Commitment to a rigorous program of activities, to full-time residence at Yale for the entire duration of the program, and to mentoring students and speaking frequently on campus

Compensation Package:

  • A taxable stipend to cover the costs of living in New Haven
  • A modest, furnished apartment for the duration of the Program
  • Medical insurance
  • Roundtrip travel from home country

Джерело: http://worldfellows.yale.edu/apply/want-be-world-fellow

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