Волонтерство у Польщі на рік в проєкт “Volunteers 4 Solidarity”

Втомилися від карантину та сумуєте за відкритими кордонами? Волонтерство у Польщі від НГО “Стелла” – одна з доступних можливостей сьогодення для отримання унікального культурного та міжнародного досвіду!

Коли: жовтень 2020 – жовтень 2021 (12 місяців)

Де: Bytom, Chorzów and Piekary Śląskie, Польща (поруч з Катовіце)

Кількість волонтерів: 1

Дедлайн: 20/09/2020

Назва проєкту: Volunteers 4 Solidarity

Hosting organization: Mlodziezowy Dom Kultury nr 2 (https://www.facebook.com/MDK2piekaryslaskie)

Coordinating organization: Fundacja Europejski Instytut Outsourcingu (https://www.facebook.com/FundacjaEIO)

The main aim of the “Volunteers 4 Solidarity” volunteering project is to foster an open dialogue between international volunteers and local community in order to enhance young people’s participation, their social inclusion and engagement in civil society by involving them in local cultural activities, which are run with and for young people, including youngsters from vulnerable groups.

Objectives/activities of the project:

  • To create an open dialogue between volunteers and local community through conducting variety of local activities in Chorzów and Piekary Śląskie;
  • To support the social inclusion and to empower young people, especially youngsters with fewer opportunities, to be more active in their local communities;
  • To promote solidarity through volunteering on the local, national and international levels;
  • To provide opportunities for the volunteers’ and target groups’ personal growth, development of competences and capacities through participation in local activities made by volunteers;
  • To raise social awareness about European values and get young people more sensitive towards the actual global challenges;
  • To spread information about European Solidarity Corps, Erasmus+ and other European opportunities among local citizens.

Multiplying effect of the project will reflect the number of young people who become more concerned about different issues and problems in the local community and try to change the situation.

Activities carried out throughout the entire calendar year in MDK 2 can be divided into:

– permanent classes that take place in the school year from the beginning of September to the end of June;

– events – carried out cyclically or occasionally;

– summer activities: summer and winter camps and SUMMER-WORKSHOP and WINTER-WORKSHOP workshops;

– national or international projects – usually longer activities from 3 to 9 days, planned much earlier, which also allow to plan the involvement of volunteers in their implementation.

Classes are held usually from Monday to Friday, sometimes there are extra activities on Saturdays or Sundays, in which case employees and volunteers will receive a day off additionally.

Accordingly, to those activities MDK 2 suggests the following weekly schedule for volunteers:

MONDAYS – speaking clubs in volunteer languages and / or English with and for volunteers – recruitment for classes will be conducted by MDK 2. Proposals will be done by volunteers.

TUESDAY – meetings between MDK 2, KOMKE youth club and the Organization and Promotion Club. Meeting in ChCK with other volunteers. Activities in accordance with the initial work plan / timeline created by the whole club community at the beginning of the school year. It is: integration, animating time, speaking clubs in different languages,preparation of new projects, cooperation with the instructors and youth in creating a website and funpage in social media about volunteering, project dissemination, participation in current urban and regional events, volunteering for various local actions and other.

WEDNESDAY – Toddler and Starszak Academy – PLAY & FUN – games and activities for children combined with English. Joint preparation of activity in cooperation with the MDK 2 teacher according to the work plan for the school year (art, movement – gymnastics, music with rhythmic. Proprietary proposals of volunteers.

THURSDAYS – Artistic activities in MDK 2 – the opportunity to join the arts, music (playing instruments), dance, theater, handicraft, modeling classes conducted at MDK 2. All classes are conducted by specialist teachers, volunteers will be able to accompany the teacher, help young participants with more difficult activities, prepare materials for classes, propose their activities, add English vocabulary. They will also gain new competences thanks to cooperation with experts.

FRIDAYS – Visits to schools, community centers, libraries, non-governmental organizations, senior clubs and other places at the invitation of the hosts. Range: max. access should take 1 hour one way / up to 100 km. The inviting party will pay for the volunteer travel costs. During the meetings, volunteers will present their authors a program about their countries and volunteering / European Solidarity Corps. Invitees can prepare information about their place/presentations. There will be an opportunity for intercultural exchange.


  • 18-30 років
  • Інтерес до проекту
  • Знання англійської мови на розмовному рівні

Фінансові умови

Проект фінансується за рахунок програми Європейський Корпус Солідарності. Усі витрати на візу, страхування, проживання, харчування та міжнародні транспортні витрати покриваються повністю. Також волонтер отримуватиме щомісячно кишенькові кошти та онлайн курси польської мови.

How to apply?

Для того, щоб подати заявку на проект, будь ласка, надішліть своє CV та мотиваційний лист на evs@ngo-stella.org та поясніть вашу мотивацію участі у проекті.

В темі листа зазначте “Volunteers 4 Solidarity”.

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