Волонтерство на тему соціальної допомоги у старовинному Вільнюсі

НГО “Стелла” шукає українських учасників для довгострокового волонтерства на тему соціальної допомоги у старовинному Вільнюсі!

Коли: 02/09/2019 – 31/07/2020

Де: Вільнюс, Литва

Дедлайн: 5 березня 2019

Детальніше – англійською мовою.

A work in social center with 7-12 year children

Two day centers for children 7-12 year old, who live in very poor material conditions, have emotional and behavior problems, have learning problems, and need psychological help.

Main tasks for you are:

  1. To spend some time individually with a child (as an elder brother) (15%)
  2. To help children in doing homework, make handicrafts, to teach foreign language in day care centre (15%)
  3. To organise creative workshops in day care center (handicrafts, drama, computers, sports, cooking, arts…)


  1. To attend events in the city with some children (10%)
  2. Once per two month go with children to weekend trips in Lithuania (10%)
  3. To help for organisation to organise some evening or other events (Christmas festival, Easter festival…)


  1. To help organise summer camp for socially disadvantage children (10%)
  2. To participate and together organise activities which come out from own initiatives of Lithuanian young people and the volunteer (10 %).

A work in social center with 12-18 year teenagers and youth

These activities are offering assistance to young people (12 to 18 years) from difficult social background.

They have various difficulties: at school, behavior and emotional problems, psychological and life crises.

„Tramplinas“ and „Tranzitas“

The Tramplinas program is aimed for young people between 14 and 18 years old who experience social and psychological difficulties at school, in their families, with their peers or while seeking employment. The goal of the program is to help young people to get to know themselves better and to strengthen personal qualities that are necessary to operate in everyday life.

Daily group Tranzitas is designed for 12 – 14 years old teenagers who confront with various difficulties in their families or at school. The main purpose of the group is to help the youth to undergo easier difficulties evoked during their early teens, also to develop youth’s social, everyday life and learning skills, to create secure environment for socializing with contemporaries.

Main aims for You are:

– Create contact and relationships with youngsters;

– Be willing to reflect and learn with youngsters and with team;

– Help in organizing group activities;

– Help in organizing experiential weekends;

– Be involved in group process.

A work with adult persons with intellectual disabilities

Daily group in center „Open Community“ dedicated to integrate and assist adult persons with

intellectual disabilities and their families. Also there are organized educating and leisure activities.

Main tasks for You are:

  1. To go with disabled people to the shop and help them to cook the lunch.
  2. To participate with the workers in different activities (as candles, postcards, drawings, work with paper, making things from wood and so on) and assist disabled people.
  3. To organize various workshops using personal skills.
  4. To help disabled people to organize their free time in our centre.
  5. To help the workers to organize one-day trips, camps and cultural events.
  6. To communicate with our people and help them to become more self-confident and independent.

A work in the catholic kindergarten with 2-6 year kids

The only project not in social field. Catholic kindergarden / day center for the children of parish families, who want christian education for their kids.

Main tasks for You are:

  1. Together with teachers look after kids: help them get dressed, when going out – dress up, help to eat, or to help in other ways to little children.
  2. Play with children. The playing is the main form of learning, communicating and living for children, so it is important to interact with them in playing.
  3. Create and do different art activities (drawing, music, theatre, etc.)
  4. To participate in the group activities with children. Encourage children to communicate and to cooperate by the personal example.
  5. To participate in the planning meetings with other volunteers also workers.
  6. To help workers to prepare everything for activities, sleeping, eating, etc.

Criteria for a candidate:

– 18-30 years old;

– The most important is that the volunteer would be motivated and feel good with chosen target group.

– Would be able to create relationship with target group, to take the iniciative.

– During project, all tasks will be discussed with volunteers and his tutor: the volunteer will be able to make his personal plan. Good initiatives of volunteers will be encouraged and supported by our organization. Also during the project, the volunteer will get support in working place by other workers.

– The volunteer should have basic ENGLISH language skills. In the process of selection we will invite the volunteer to have skype talk with responsible people.



The volunteers should send CV and motivation letter to us, with reference in which activity they want to participate. The responsible people from an activity will contact candidate personally and agree about terms, conditions, tasks and will answer all the questions.

We are waiting for CV+motivation letters evs.matulaicio@gmail.com. Contact person: Jurgita Dauparienė, ESC coordinator.

Please, don’t forget to indicate that your sending organization is the Non-governmental organization “Kharkiv association for active youth “Stella” (PIC 947609200).

Бажаємо успіхів!

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