UPG Sustainability Leadership: лідерська програма в США

Назва програми: UPG Sustainability Leadership

Організатор: United People Global (UPG)

Де: Hurricane Island Center For Science And Leadership, Rockland, USA

Дедлайн: 31 грудня, оголосять результат 31 січня, початок програми 30 червня 2021 р.

Вимоги: кандидати віком 18-35 років, знання англійської мови (сертифікат не потрібен).

Для кого: UPG is looking for young determined people from all different paths of life and regions of the world. From well-experienced professionals to freshly graduated students.

The selection process considers four factors:
A. Your Profile – this helps us to strive for diversity
B. Your Motivation – we select the most motivated
C. Your Capabilities and
D. The Potential for Impact

UPG Champions have an advantage in the process as they demonstrate the required motivation. UPG Champions that are part of a local “Community of Champions” or Champions who are from a organisation that is a UPG Champion also have an advantage in the selection process as this contributes to a supportive environment for their work.


United People Global (UPG) – це спільнота, яка заохочує та дає можливість людям брати участь у покращенні світу. Це досягається різними способами, особливо завдяки сприянню досягненню Цілей сталого розвитку. UPG працює з метою підвищення обізнаності, зміцнення переконань, сприяння співпраці та розвитку громади.

UPG Sustainability Leadership – це програма спільноти, яка мобілізує людей та організації на підтримку #PositiveCitizenLeadership on Sustainability. Ми об’єднуємо людей, які прагнуть впливати на суспільство за допомогою позитивних дій.

У 2021 році UPG буде проводити онлайн-тренінги та сертифікувати 500 молодих лідерів з усього світу, а 60 із них отримає додатковий та захоплюючий 1-тижневий досвід на острові в США. Програма буде проведена в Рокленді. Це повністю профінансована програма, і всі витрати відібраних кандидатів будуть покриті.


Метою програми є збільшення спроможності лідерів з питань сталого розвитку UPG, керувати принаймні одним проектом на власний вибір у своїй громаді. Крім того, після завершення цих тренінгів лідери з питань сталого розвитку UPG проводять вторинну хвилю міні-тренінгів у своїх громадах; сприяння поглибленню поінформованості громадян, які роблять все можливе та демонструють лідерство.

Детальніше англійською мовою:

United People Global (UPG) is a community that encourages and enables people to participate in making the world a better place. This is achieved in various ways and especially by contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UPG works to raise awareness, strengthen belief, facilitate collaboration and foster community.

UPG Sustainability Leadership mobilizes people and organizations to support #PositiveCitizenLeadership on sustainability. We bring together people who are committed to impact by taking positive actions.

In 2019 UPG successfully trained 60 UPG Sustainability Leaders from 30 countries around the world, due to the covid19 outbreak, it was not possible to carry out the 2020 edition, but it is with great joy that we officially announce the return of the program in 2021. In 2021, UPG will be training online and certifying 500 young leaders from around the world and will take 60 of them for a complementary and immersive 1 week experience on an island in the USA, The program will be held in Rockland, Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership. This is a fully-funded program and all the expenses of the selected candidates will be covered.


  • Participants will have the costs of the program covered – Training material. Accommodation, subsistence, local transportation, international flights (a round trip flight from participant’s hometown to the US);
  • All 500 participants will receive an online training and will be certified as UPG Sustainability Leaders after completion of the course.

P.S: Visas are not included in the costs of the program, and selected applicants are entirely responsible for covering these expenses. UPG will send visa application letters to assist with the process (if necessary).


  • Candidates must be 18-35 years of age;
  • Candidates must be self-motivated, capable of overcoming major challenges and able to think outside the box;
  • Candidates must be able to read, listen and comunicate in English, but no language level certificate is needed;
  • Applicants from all nationalities are eligible to apply;
  • Candidates from all genders and candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Application process:

Competition for the UPGSL is merit-based. After the deadline, all eligible applications will be reviewed by a selection panel. Individuals and Institutions of any nature interested in sending candidates are entitled to apply for the program. Before applying for UPGSL, we encourage you to register as a UPG Champion (either as an individual or as an organization) as we prioritize champions who are engaged in UPG. Use the following link to register yourself or your organization as a Champion: https://unitedpeople.global/join/

When completing the application, please note:

  • Applications must be completed online; applications that are mailed, faxed or emailed to UPG will not be accepted;
  • Questions that are marked with a red asterisk must be answered;
  • Individuals may only submit one application. If an applicant submits two applications using different email addresses, then the individual will be disqualified;


31 December, 2020 – 11:59 PM Geneva time (CET)

We are building a diverse group of people who want to take positive action that helps the world tackle our sustainability challenge. If you have the potential to be part of this group, apply below.

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