Відкрито набір учасників на UPG Sustainability Leadership Program 2022

Назва: UPG Sustainability Leadership Program 2022

Формат: Fully-funded training to USA

Для кого: вік учасників 18-35 років

Дедлайн: 31 грудня

Подача заявки: https://upglive.org/UPGSustainability

Цікаво і важливо! Богдана Капіца та Оксана Теленько поділилися з Unistudy своїм досвідом в цій програмі та дали поради, як взяти участь. Ознайомтесь!

Онлайн-зустріч Unistudy Talks: досвід участі в UPG Sustainability Leadership Program 2021

UPG is building a diverse group of people who want to take positive action that helps to build a more sustainable world. If you have the potential to be part of this group, then please apply.
In 2021 United People Global certified 526 UPG Sustainability Leaders from a pool of over 4,000 applicants who received free comprehensive training on leadership and sustainability over a course of 9 weeks. Upon completion of this program, 60 young leaders qualified for a complimentary and free training experience on Hurricane Island in the USA to further strengthen their capacity for positive citizen leadership.
UPG Sustainability Leaders are trained in both the methods and the issues to become ambassadors for positive citizen leadership on sustainability. Several incentives are designed into the application process to enable the Class of 2022 to be as impactful as it is diverse, including encouraging young people who work in organisations that care about sustainability to apply – and many other demographic groups.
Some Benefits:
  • FREE: Participants will have the costs of the program covered – Training material. Accommodation, subsistence, local transportation, international flights (a round trip flight from participant’s city to the USA**);
  • Learn: learn world-class content from experts and institutions that are active on the methods and the issues that are relevant to making the world better.
  • Certification: 500 participants will be trained and certified as UPG Sustainability Leaders after completion of the course.
  • Network: create bonds with young leaders from all world regions. These bonds last long after the programme is complted
**Visas are not included in the costs of the program and selected applicants are responsible for covering visa expenses. UPG will support the visa application process.
  • Candidates must be 18-35 years of age;
  • Candidates must be self-motivated, capable of overcoming major challenges and able to think outside the box;
  • Candidates must be able to read, listen and communicate in English, but no language level certificate is needed;
  • Applicants from all nationalities are eligible to apply;
  • Organisations are also invited to nominate people to take part in this training.
Application process:
Competition for the UPGSL is merit-based. After the deadline, all eligible applications will be reviewed at least twice. Before applying for UPG Sustainability Leadership, we encourage you to register as a UPG Champion (either as an individual or as an organisation) as we champions who are engaged in UPG have a strong advantage. Use the following link to register yourself or your organisation as a Champion: Join Us – United People Global.
When completing the application, please note:
  • Applications must be completed online; applications that are mailed, faxed or emailed to UPG will not be accepted;
  • Individuals may only submit one application. If an applicant submits two applications using different email addresses, then the individual will be disqualified;
First Wave Deadline: 11:59PM (CET) on 15 November 2021 – some Candidates will earn their places in the first wave.
Final Deadline: 11: 59PM (CET) on 31 December 2021
Learn More and Apply here: https://upglive.org/UPGSustainability

About United People Global: UPG is a community that encourages and enables people to participate in making the world a better place. UPG works to raise awareness, strengthen belief, facilitate collaboration and foster community. UPG offers various activities and initiatives that contribute to achieving the SDGs. The work of this global community is facilitated by United People Global Foundation, an independent not-for-profit organisation based in Geneva, Switzerland. UPG is not a political or religious organisation.

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