Ukrainian Emerging Leaders: набір на програму в Стенфорді

Назва: Ukrainian Emerging Leaders

Формат: навчання у Стенфордському університеті, менторство

Термін: рік

Дедлайн:  for the pre-screen questionnaire  – 5:00pm PST on Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Фінансування: програма покриває навчання і переїзд в США, стипендія на проживання

Для кого:

The program is geared towards mid-career practitioners working actively as policy-makers, legal professionals, entrepreneurs, and leaders of civil society organizations in Ukraine.

This program is aimed at mid-career practitioners working actively as policy-makers, legal professionals, social entrepreneurs, business entrepreneurs, and leaders of civil society organizations.

  • Candidates must hold Ukrainian citizenship, reside in the country, and have plans to return to Ukraine after the fellowship.
  • Candidates must be at least 28 years old by the start of the fellowship program in September 2022.
  • Candidates should have demonstrated professional and personal achievements in a relevant sector of democracy, development, and the rule of law.
  • Candidates must have at least five years of experience to qualify for the fellowship. Those with more experience are much more competitive in the selection process.
  • We strive to recruit a diverse group of three individuals who are at the right stage in their professional trajectory to benefit from rigorous academic training and mentorship. A bachelor’s degree at the time of participation in the program is a requirement for admission to the program. We do not accept candidates who are in the midst of full-time university degree programs.
  • working knowledge of English is an important prerequisite in order for the fellow to fully benefit and participate in the program.

Про програму:

The Ukrainian Emerging Leaders Program (UELP) is a 10-month academic training fellowship hosted at Stanford University. The program was founded in 2016 by the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law at Stanford’s Freeman Spogli Institute together with Oleksandr and Kateryna Akymenko (Stanford John S. Knight fellows) as an initiative to address development challenges in Ukraine and across the broader region.

UELP provides a unique opportunity to three mid-career practitioners working actively as policy-makers, legal professionals, entrepreneurs, and leaders of civil society organizations in Ukraine to visit one of the world’s leading research universities for an academic year. The objective of the Ukrainian Emerging Leaders Program is to strengthen fellows’ leadership skills and bolster their academic foundation. The fellowship is supported by a committee of leading Stanford faculty at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies. The program is designed to facilitate capacity building for fellows through faculty mentorship, community engagement, courses, events and site visits to Silicon Valley technology firms.

The program has been funded with generous support from Astem.Foundation, Believe in Yourself Foundation, Dragon Capital, MacPaw, Luminate, Liudy Maybutnoho, Parimatch Tech, and the Western NIS Enterprise Fund.

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