Global UGRAD Program: семестр в США для студентів

Назва: The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (also known as the Global UGRAD Program)

Що: стипендія на один семестр у вишах США

Дедлайни: до 28 лютого 2021 р.

Терміни програми: початок у серпні 2021 р.

Для кого: від 18 років, enrolled as an undergraduate in good standing at any accredited university, public or private, and has at least one semester remaining at their home university at the conclusion of the UGRAD program; completed secondary education in their home country;

The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program provides non-degree undergraduate study abroad in the United States on a competitive basis to university students.

The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program is open to anyone who is/has:

  • over 18 years of age;
  • a citizen of a UGRAD participating country, currently residing in that country;
  • enrolled as an undergraduate in good standing at any accredited university, public or private, and has at least one semester remaining at their home university at the conclusion of the UGRAD program;
  • completed secondary education in their home country;
  • a solid command of written and spoken English (English Language training for some finalists is possible);
  • able to begin studies in the United States in August 2021 or January 2022 (selected participants may not defer to a later date);
  • eligible to receive and maintain the US student exchange visa (J-1) required for the program;
  • cleared by a physician to participate in the program;
  • committed to returning to their home country after the completion of the program.

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