Трансатлантичний літній інститут

Участь у Транс-Атлантичному літньому інституті – це можливість для студентів останніх курсів дізнатися більше про історію, політику та суспільство Німеччини та Європи загалом.

Дати: 20 – 31 липня 2015 року.

Місце: Франкфурт-на-Одері, Німеччина.

Дедлайн: 8 травня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Since 2001 the Trans-Atlantic Summer Institutes (TASI) provide a unique forum for advanced graduate students from North America, Germany, and other European countries to explore together topics relating to Germany’s and Europe’s history, politics, and society. Each summer, 10-12 European and 10-12 North American graduate students work intensively for two weeks and explore in depth questions that will enrich their dissertations in German and European Studies. The Summer Institutes are co-taught by a multi-disciplinary team of faculty and aim to make a major contribution to the training of the next generation of experts on Germany and Europe. They introduce European students to the American university; North American students will acquire a similar familiarity with the European setting. They foster the international discussions and collaborations that are fundamental to the scholarly enterprise. As a student in the Summer Institute, you will learn how to combine the best aspects of training in both settings—the close attention to archival sources and their interpretation in Europe with the broad trans-disciplinary readings that characterize North American scholarship.
TASI is a non-credit seminar for advanced graduate-level students in all fields; the 2015 Institute will convene on the campus of the Europa Universität Viadrina (Frankfurt/Oder, Germany).

The Institute is intended for advanced graduate students working toward a Ph.D. or other terminal degree at a North American or European university. Preference will be given to students who have already defined a dissertation topic. The language of instruction is English. Competency in English and a reading knowledge of another European language are required.

All fellows will receive a fellowship to cover most expenses:

  • Institute tuition
  • Housing and meals for the duration of the Institute
  • Access to library and archival materials and Internet resources
  • partial travel support

Fellowships for advanced graduate students enrolled at North American universities include up to $750 in support of round-trip airfare to Germany. This support will be granted on a matching fund basis. The fellow’s home department will need to provide at least $200 to trigger the full University of Minnesota match. Fellows enrolled at a European university will receive up to $150 to cover travel costs to Frankfurt/Oder.

Complete applications for admission to the Institute must be received by May 8, 2015. Applications must be submitted electronically to both cges@umn.edu and tasi@europa-uni.de. Decisions will be made by May 12, 2015.

A complete application consists of
1. applicant information sheet,
2. a letter of interest,
3. a two-page dissertation abstract, or a two-page statement about the relevance of this topic to the applicant’s research,
4. a curriculum vitae,
5. an unofficial graduate transcript, and
6. one confidential letter of recommendation by a faculty member familiar with the applicant’s research project. The letter of interest should include information on the applicant’s scholarly background, interests, and career goals.

Джерело: http://cges.umn.edu/fellowships/tasi.htm

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