Екологічні гранти від “TOYOTA”

Компанія “TOYOTA” виділяє гранти на реалізацію проектів у сфері збереження біорізноманіття та заходів проти прискорення глобального потепління.

Дедлайн: 3 червня.

Детальний опис англійською:

A social contribution activity by TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (TMC) to support environmental revitalization and conservation activities both in Japan and overseas for the purpose of sustainable development.

The grant themes are “Biodiversity Conservation” and “Global Warming Countermeasures” that are serious and urgent issues for conserving the earth environment.

Applications for following two categories of grants are accepted same as last year. One is for overseas project grant, targeting the activities in overseas, conducted by groups based in Japan or foreign groups collaborate with Japanese groups. The other is domestic project grant, targeting community-based activities in Japan. In this year, we created a special category for applicants,” New Domestic Project Grant”, targeting Japan-based groups which have never received our grant funding in this program.

Application must be arrived by June 3, 2015

Grant Conditions

  • Private nonprofit institutions / organizations are eligible for the grant.
  • NPOs (Non-profit organizations), NGOs (Non-governmental organizations), charitable organizations and officially unregistered voluntary organizations or groups are also encouraged to apply.
    [For-profits, national, regional and municipal government agencies, schools (including from kindergarten to universities) and international institutions (established by international agreements) are NOT eligible for this grant.]

As a general rule, only applications in digital format will be accepted.

Джерело: http://www.toyota-global.com/sustainability/environment/blessings_of_nature/ecogrant/

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