Міжнародна молодіжна зустріч “tHRead: techniques for Human Rights: ensure, act, defend”

НГО “Стелла” організовує молодіжну зустріч у Харкові, зосереджену на освіті в сфері прав людини, міжнародній кооперації та міжкультурному діалозі.

Дати: 25 вересня – 1 жовтня.

Дедлайн: 24 вересня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The peace meeting will take place in Kharkiv, Ukraine for young people from Ukraine, Georgia and Russian Federation. This is the second phase of the bigger project. The first activity took part in Georgia in December 2015.
The need of this peace meeting lies in the current political situation and relationship of Ukraine, Georgia and Russia. By analyzing the causes for conflict (and violence) and promoting intercultural dialogue, this project therefore aims to address threats to peace, security and social cohesion and thus try to prevent the negative impact of political conflicts between these countries. Human rights education emerge as a central strategy to address conflict and accelerate progress towards achieving peace.

The main aim of this project is to raise awareness of a young generation of the importance of human right education, intercultural dialogue and international cooperation that leads to continuous peace and to equip young people with the tools to combat social injustice and conflicts. The main issues addressed from the project will be Human Rights, non-violent communication, no hate speech campaign. During the project the participants will set an action plan for their local environment, and also an activity plan for local campaigning.


  • to increase knowledge and understanding about Human Rights and Human Rights Education and no hate speech movement;
  • to empower learners to contribute to the building and defense of a universal culture of human rights in society;
  • to help participants develop competences needed for using different tools for conflict resolution, to develop skills of communication as the ways of conflict resolution;
  • to develop new initiatives for and with young people for addressing human rights and no hate speech movement on different levels;
  • to give young people from IDPs community in Kharkiv opportunity to participate in workshop of Forum theatre where they can get to know non-formal education, critical thinking so that they can reflect upon and formulate their own ideas of the world they’d like to help create.

Participants are asked to make a research about local human rights organizations and creative human rights campaigns/activities/social videos in their countries. Participants will have to present them during the project.

The project is open for those who are interested in the topic and have a big motivation to participate, who were involved in the field of no-hate movement and human rights in the past and want to improve their skills.

All participants selected for this project are expected to meet the following criteria:

  • be 18-25 years old;
  • be able to work in English language;
  • have strong motivation to act as multiplier in the field of promoting peace work;
  • be directly involved in the work with youth.

Participation fee – 15 euro.
All costs regarding food and accommodation is covered by Council of Europe fund. Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 65% (participants are asked to cover 35% of their travel costs). Maximum travel cost for reimbursement per participant from Ukraine – 30 euro.

In order to apply please send the application form to lena.avin@gmail.com.

Find the application form here:


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