Літня школа в Канаді з історії науки та економіки

Аспіранти та молоді дослідники, які цікавляться історією науки та економіки, запрошуються до участі в літній школі «The Montréal Summer School in the History of Science and Economics»

Дати: 14 – 19 липня 2015 року.

Місце: Монреаль, Канада.

Дедлайн: 1 березня 2015 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

At several points in the history of science, economists have been significant players in shaping the landscape of research. Specifically, during World War II and the Cold War, economic rationality became a major benchmark of the transformation of the institutions of science. Historians of science have increasingly acknowledged the complex role played by economists and their ideas, just as historians of economics increasingly connect their narratives to larger developments in the sciences in general. This 5 full-day summer school, with established scholars from both fields, will provide students in the history of science with the knowledge necessary to contextualize the tradition of economics, and students in the history of economics with a larger knowledge of general topics in recent history of science.
Hunter Heyck (The University of Oklahoma)
Judy Klein (Mary Baldwin College)
Thomas C. Leonard (Princeton University)
Ted Porter (University of California, Los Angeles)
Thomas Stapleford (University of Notre Dame)
E. Roy Weintraub (Duke University)

Admissions and Scholarship
Applications are open for all PhD and post-doc students in the history of science, history of economics and neighbouring fields. Applications by Master’s students will also be considered. Given that the intention is to encourage significant interaction, the number of participants is limited to 20. Applications should include a letter of motivation outlining the applicant’s graduate research project (1-2 pages) and one short reference letter. Students will have the opportunity to present their research projects. There is no participation fee. Students will provide for their accommodation and travel expenses. All students can apply for (limited) travel funding.
Deadline for applications is March 1st, 2015

Local Organizers: Till Düppe, Yves Gingras and Alessandro Barattieri

For more information please contact Till Düppe at duppe.till@uqam.ca
Джерело: http://www.cirst.uqam.ca/en-us/activities/summerschool2015.aspx

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