Курс “Міжнародні норми, стратегії та механізми”

НГО “Lviv Academy for Human Rights of Don Bosco” запрошують учасників до участі в літній школі “International Human Rights: A Short Course in International Norms, Strategies and Mechanisms”. Організатори покривають витрати на навчання, проживання і харчування учасників.

Дати: 22 – 24 травня, 28 – 30 травня.

Місце: Львів, Київ.

Дедлайн: 17 травня.

Детальний опис англійською:

“A Short Course in International Norms, Strategies and Mechanisms” consists of two separate modules (2,5 days each) held in Lviv and in Kyiv. The participants are welcome to chose any of those modules. Please note that each module will have its own specifics. Lviv module will cover a wide range of issues related to human rights advocacy and will tackle some general topics in international law while Kyiv module of the Program will be mostly related to International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law presenting a more in-depth view of a number of issues relevant to the current situation in Ukraine.

During the course we will explore the process of how ‘human rights’ has become increasingly internationalized. We will seek to understand how sovereignty has been in some instances limited in order to protect the individual from abuse. We will analyze the failures, as well as the successes of how international efforts, at both the universal and regional intergovernmental levels and NGO activity can monitor and control the abuse of sovereign power and at times even provide a remedy to human rights victims. Further, we will consider the situation in Ukraine through the lens of International Law and human rights norms and standards.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Fluency in English (upper-intermediate/advanced level required)
  • Availability for the whole duration of the module
  • Professional/academic interest in the topics of the Program
  • Practical experience will be an asset

Target group:

  • Junior and senior undergraduate students, graduate and postgraduate students majoring in law, international relations, political sciences, journalism and related disciplines
  • Human rights activists/defenders/NGO leaders
  • Lawyers

Lviv module:
Accommodation in Lviv will be covered for selected participants outside of the city. Transportation costs will be partially reimbursed for participants from other regions.
Kyiv module:
Accommodation in Kyiv will be covered for selected participants outside of the city. Transportation will be at participants’ expense.

Application deadline: May 17, 2015
Selection results announced: May 19, 2015

Application can be found here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1QlnkcS8Feqo4ekdIZjCdMMM_A58H6simD9xnjRP08m4/viewform?c=0&w=1

Контакти: academy4humanrights@gmail.com

Інформаційний буклет

Джерело: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lviv-Academy-for-Human-Rights-of-Don-Bosco/447366195433381

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