Іспанія: молодіжні табори влітку

Спілка Форум запрошує у волонтерські табори в Іспанії від організації SVI Spain (організація від Міністерства молоді та спорту Іспанії).

Дізнатися більше про молодіжні табори та як подати заявку можна у публікації “Все, що ви хотіли знати про молодіжні табори”

Файл з детальною інформацією про кожен табір – SVI program 2019 for UF

Name: Rota do Romanico

Date: 2019-08-02 / 2019-08-13

Age: 18 – 30

Type of work: Cultural (CULT) – Environmental (ENVI)

Country: ESPAÑA Province: LUGO

The main objective of the work camp is to provide a culture and ethnographic immersion to revitalize the Galician
Romanesque through new technologies.

Місце проведення та заняття у вільний час 

  • The Panton municipality is located to the south of the Lugo province, in the called “Ribeira Sacra Lucense”.
  • Its borders are set by the rivers Mino, Cabe and Sil which made it the Galician Mesopotamia.
  • Kayak, paddle board, swimming pool, archery, geocatching, hiking route “Auga Caida”, enjoying a day together, rock
    concert, Romanesque route in Santiago de Compostela, route in A Ribeira Sacra.

Завдання під час табору

  • Cleaning and outside refurbishment of the Romanesque Route by means of the intervention of various landmarks
    (signalling, weed cleaning and revitalizing the route).
  • Exterior cleaning and conditioning of the “Rota do Romanico” through the intervention in its monuments: signaling
    and rehabilitation of the Romanesque route in those points that are necessary, vegetation cleaning and revitalization
    of the route through new technologies.
  • The Ribeira Sacra is the European point with the highest concentration of Romanesque architecture, and in the Panton area we find some really spectacular temples.
  • Participation in the monastic pastry shop of the Bernardas mothers.
  • Refurbishment of different urban sites with wall paintings or graffiti.

Name: Art and Heritage Conservation at the Church of San Cipriano of Beranga II

Type of work: Art type (ART) – Renovation (RENO)

Date: 2019-08-16 / 2019-08-30

Age: 18 – 30


Location: BERANGA

Internship of conservation of art and heritage. Intervention in pieces and furniture at the church of San Cipriano by
virtue of the project of the Directorate General for Youth and Development Cooperation.

Опис роботи

Internship of conservation of art and heritage. Intervention in pieces and furniture at the church of San Cipriano by
virtue of the project of the Directorate General for Youth and Development Cooperation.

Location and leisure:
Solorzano is a municipality of the autonomous community of Cantabria (Spain) situated in the region of Trasmiera.
The village is located in a valley run through by a not very abundant river called Campiazo. It is a nice and peaceful
village, ancient nobiliary and royal estate, rich in mine sites and prehistoric caves.

Leisure activities:
The aim of the complementary activities will be to promote solidarity,coexistence, equality, participation and are as
– Animation (evenings, group dynamization, etc.).
– Different workshops: on cultural heritage of Cantabria, on equality,aims of sustainable development, etc.
– Leisure time activities: Climbing, Surfing, walking trails, etc.
– Full day excursion to Santander (capital of the autonomous community).
– Full day beach touristic, cultural or sport excursion.
– Day of coexistence with the local community to make the work done visible.

Date: 2019-07-29 / 2019-08-12

Name: Design and Social Evolution
Type of work: Educational (EDU) – Social project (SOCI)

Age: 18 – 30

Country: ESPAÑA Province: TERUEL
Region: ARAGON
Location: ALCORISA

Опис табору

Design, Creativity, Evolution and Inclusion are the keys of our project. We will work a social wall painting and
through photography, collage and imagination we will create and design a fanzine and a calendar that can
accompany us throughout 2020 and that can remind us of our journey during the last 10 years. The freshness and
the contribution of the campers with the orientations of the staff. . . they will do the rest.

Робота під час перебування в таборі

Design, Creativity, Evolution and Inclusion are the keys of our project. We will work a social wall painting and
through photography, collage and imagination we will create and design a fanzine and a calendar that can
accompany us throughout 2020 and that can remind us of our journey during the last 10 years. The freshness and
the contribution of the campers with the orientations of the staff… they will do the rest.

1. Elaboration of the artistic mural in a central place in Alcorisa and / or high visibility:

– Design of main ideas for its development.
– The idea and design of the campers together with the collaboration of the public will serve to create the final mural.
– Encourage the creativity of volunteers and people with Intellectual Disability.
– Create a mural that lasts over time and contributes to a change of image of the environment.

2. Development of a Fanzine / Calendar:

These two communication supports will be developed through different techniques such as:
– Tell ideas through collage images
– Cropped photographs
– Dialogues with balloon written by hand or cut out of texts.
– Stories with meaning that can be part of a calendar or be only a dossier / comic to remember.
– Layout, printing, binding and digitalization.

An added value that we can give to this “Product” is to turn it into something supporting, that in some way, there may
be copies for sale that empower the work of volunteering and the application to a purpose that aims to impact
society make it more inclusive. Question that will be assessed once the field of work is completed.

Name: Archaelogical intervention in Malamuerzos Cave. Give Paleolithic the Neolithic. II fase

Type of work: Archaeology (ARCH)

Date: 2019-07-28 / 2019-08-11 Total places: 13 Age: 18 – 30

Country: ESPAÑA Province: GRANADA
Location: MOCLIN

Опис табору

Malalmuerzos Cave Andalusian Sanctuary of the Neolithic one is in Moclin (Granada), I join the Route Ferrata,
Routes of the Gollizno and of the Watchtowers. This catalogued BIC, it has great archaeological value, with
accessions of the Paleolithic, Neolithic and Age of the Metals. The cave has Palaeolithic rock art. The work will
basically be of an archaeological nature, with the activities detailed below.

Робота під час табору

– Control of movements of lands and extraction of the material with archaeological methodology.
– Polls archeological.
– Siglado and inventoried of the material registered culture.
– Graphical Documentation and topographic raising.
– Analysis of the materials ceramics.
– Putting in value of the deposit.

До речі, Unistudy анонсує перший в цьому році міні онлайн-курс з теми написання трьох різних видів мотиваційних есе. Він підійде усім, кому важко описати свій досвід та завжди бракує натхнення, а іноді й часу.

На вас чекають 3 відеолекції про 3 приклади мотиваційних есе, автор яких отримала стипендію та участь у бажаній освітній програмі. Реєструйся на онлайн-курс “EXCELLENT ESSAY: три види, одна формула”

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