Стипендія у Словаччині від Penta Scholarship для українських студентів

Penta Scholarship надає можливість громадянам України навчатись у вишах Словаччини на бакалавраті та магістратурі в 2019-2020 академічному році.

Покрокова інструкція

Особливості стипендії:

  • Повна компенсація плати за навчання протягом усього навчання
  • Кишенькові гроші – 300 € на місяць (навіть влітку під час канікул)
  • Навчання у кращих університетах Словаччини
  • Диплом ЄС відкриває незліченні можливості для Вашої кар’єри

Детальніше про програму англійською

The Penta Scholarship for Ukrainians was established in 2015, as an educational initiative by the Penta Foundation. So far, we have got 18 Ukrainian students going through the program, forming an alumni club. We are now open for the year 2019 admissions, ready to provide 10-15 more scholarships.

After being selected, participants of the program are granted with a stipend, fully covering the Master’s degree program tuition fee at one of our partner-universities (Bachelor-level applications also may be considered). Additionally, the participants are supported with monthly payments for the duration of studies and are granted a chance to go through a voluntary internship to the Penta Investments, or to one of its subsidiaries.

Conditions for obtaining a scholarship:

  1. Ukrainian nationality
  2. Meeting all the admission conditions given by the selected university
  3. Completing the selection process from the fund’s part: two rounds of online interviews held in late-May – June (applicants to the Faculty of Medicine will be interviewed after their entry examination separately)
  4. Signing the donation agreement formalizing the scholarship.

The selection process

Among the students who have met the application conditions, the donor selects 10-15 students on basis of the following criteria:

  • Two rounds of online interviews
  • Previous academic records of the applicant
  • Relevant academic, career and social activity of the applicant
  • Endorsement letters and certificates provided
  • Recommendations from the selection comission on the part of the university

Note that donor reserves the right to award fewer scholarships, if specified criteriae are met by less than the projected number of applicants.

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