Короткострокове волонтерство в Туреччині

НГО “Стелла” відкриває вакансію короткострокового, духм’яного, колоритного та незабутнього ЄВС у Туреччині від надійних партнерів Sof Dagi.

Перед проектом волонтер буде приймати участь у молодіжному обміні.

Youth exchange dates: 18-27 June 2019.
This the project has an objective of teaching people in the usage of energy and water.
Our main aim: protect nature and promote the ideas of an ecological lifestyle and a lean attitude towards natural resources.
The project will include the following main topics; water policies of the countries, water saving methods, the importance of energy usage, the importance of water saving on energy usage, water recycling methods and importance of water on our future generations.

After youth exchange, a volunteer will start the project which will last 59 days.


  • To reduce discrimination and raise voluntarism awareness in local community by performing a multinational project for orphans and children-teenagers living in difficult geographies rural areas and neglected areas
  • To give a framework for personal development and intercultural learning-by working and living within a team of different EVS volunteers
  • To give the volunteers a chance of initiative, creativity, and taking responsibilities in a multinational team
  • To learn to live together with other volunteers in the same apartment, with respect and tolerance towards the others and responsibility and autonomy for the common duties (cleaning, cooking etc.)
  • To get new personal skills (art, language, organisation etc…)

Gaziantep is a province in south-central Turkey with nearly 2 millions of inhabitants. Hundreds of EVS volunteers were in service in Gaziantep from different organisations and many are still in. Gaziantep is the food capital of Turkey, it has more than 700 meals which are totally unique for this city. City of Gaziantep is an original anatolian city with unique culture and traditions which differentiates it from known cities of Turkey (Ankara, İstanbul). City has 3 universities currently and there are considerable amount of university students and their community. Apart from being conservative city Gaziantep also includes many youngsters with different life styles. Adaptation to the city might be a challenge for a volunteer from less densely populated regions, since city is dynamic and crowded. From experiments adaptation is managed within some weeks easily without problems.

The project activities include:

  • Swimming courses with Professional trainers of the national level;
  • organic planting assistance and or visiting special refugee or socially unsecured peoples’ centers where volunteers will help to give this organic food and facilities
  • English course for pupils in our classroom on the basis of our organization

In addition, we highly encourage and support own initiatives of the volunteers so they are free to develop own activities and project if they want!


• 18-30 years old
• Interest in the project
• Good knowledge of English

Financial conditions
The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. All expenses for insurance, accommodation, food and international travel costs are fully covered. The volunteer will also receive pocket money monthly.

In order to apply please send your CV and motivation letter to evs@ngo-stella.org until 9 May 23:59

In the subject of your e-mail please indicate «EVS in Sof Dagi»

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