Конкурс відео “Shining stars of Europe”

Українці запрошуються до участі в загальноєвропейському конкурсі коротких відеокліпів.

Дедлайн – 18 вересня 2016 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Challenge:  In a Video of max. 2 min, show us your way to connect with your peers, the environment, and yourself ! Chose one powerful idea to connect either with yourself, the environment, or your peers, and use your creativity to show it in a short video clip. Participation is open to everyone from all over the planet, to individuals and groups without age limit.

Deadline: 18th September 2016 Have a look at our  INVITATION PORTFOLIO Prizes:  3 winning groups will receive travel & project grants which will allow them to put their ideas into practice.


  • An international Jury will select the 15 best video clips which will be shown at the finals in various countries between October and November 2016.
  • Finalists will be invited to join one of the finals.
  • All participants will receive the opportunity to become part of the Shining Stars Community, consisting of highly committed youth from all over the planet
  • All video clips will be featured on shiningstars.world and many of them will be promoted through the social media of the European Commission and the European Parliament.

Need help or advice? Please contact us!

Conditions for participation:

  • Each edition features an international Jury composed of personalities from a variety of fields.
  • Participation is open for everybody worldwide (all nationalities). Deadline for submission for the fourth edition is 30th September 2016 (included).
  • Contributions should not be longer than 2 minutes.
  • Participants declare that the work submitted does not infringe any third party’s rights such as copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets including musical composition or performance rights, video rights or image rights.
  • Participants declare that all visible participants in the video have acknowledged the present terms and conditions and consented to the video being displayed and broadcasted publicly. In case minors are visible, their parents must have acknowledged the present terms and conditions and agreed to their children appearing in the video.
  • The Video submitted for the contest, together with all the rights pertaining to it – including, where applicable, copyright, image rights, video rights and any other intellectual property right – is under the control of the Author whose rights are valid and legally existing, and the Organizer does not acquire any ownership rights in the work.
  • Authors or their legal guardians grant the Organizer a non-exclusive, free-of-charge, perpetual, worldwide licence to:
  • store, use and re-use the video, in whole or in part;
  • integrate and incorporate the video or parts of it into any existing or future work of the Organizer for promotional purposes;
  • distribute copies and cause the distribution of the video for promotional purposes;
  • display and broadcast the video publicly;
  • reproduce the video by any technical procedure into any physical medium – including metallic and paper media – or digital format, electronic or non-electronic;
  • The exercise of the rights granted to the Organizer hereunder is subject to the display by the Organizer of the following notice in due acknowledgement of the Author: © Author, Year

Джерело: http://www.shiningstarsofeurope.eu/

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