Тренінговий курс “See it our way – Participatory Photography for Intercultural Dialogue”

Учасники з України запрошуються до участі в тренінговому курсі, увага під час якого буде сфокусована на використанні фотографії для міжкультурного навчання.

Дати: 23 жовтня – 1 листопада 2016 року.

Місце: Вірменія.

Дедлайн – 5 вересня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Intercultural dialogue is the communication and the exchange of opinions and information between people from different cultural and social backgrounds. In a very diverse Europe where migrants flow and refugee crises is still dividing communities, it is more and more important to deepen the understanding of the characteristics of the other.

Visual methods admits us into a world where people can tell us their own life stories trough images. And Stories, the integral element of documentary practice and tradition, are necessarily inflected with the immediate voice and politics of the tellers.

During the proposed Training Course 28 youth workers and youth leaders will learn what participatory photography method is and how it can be used as a powerful tool for intercultural dialogue.

This project will give the participants the possibility to explore the methodology through a set of various workshops and interactive exercises. The training will also provide them with a space for debating and exploring the concept of Intercultural Dialogue and its challenges.

The participants will have a better understanding of method and all the necessary tools that, after returning to their respective communities, will enable them create projects that are based on will help them giving a voice to the minority groups they work with.

Many countries of EECA region are now facing challenges connected to the fact that their societies are growing more diverse, with an increasing number of immigrants from war zones establish themselves and living for a long period of time in the region. Hence, it is crucial to organize a mutual exchange of best practices that will contribute to the capacity building of actors in both EEACA and EU countries.


We will be able to reimburse your travel costs up to the following maximum amount:

Ukraine: 275 EUR
Food and accommodation is covered 100% for all the participants (including the Armenians). There are no additional participation fees.

Джерело: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/see-it-our-way-participatory-photography-for-intercultural-dialogue.5947/



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