Опитування від Potentialpark і можливість виграти поїздку до Стокгольма

Наші партнери Potentialpark запрошують активну молодь пройти опитування та отримати в результаті цінні рекомендації щодо ефективного пошуку роботи та можливість виграти поїздку до Стокгольма.

Детальний опис англійською:

Why searching for a job is easy, but finding one is not

We all know it’s tough being a student, searching for jobs and figuring out the next career move. You’re probably following companies on social media, visiting their career websites and applying for available jobs. Sometimes, finding a job can feel like a job. Why is it like this?

Companies want the best and skilled students

…but quite often they do not know how to make the applying process easier or even how to get your attention! You have probably filled in endless amount of applications, fine tuned your CV and waited weeks to get a response with no success and lot of frustration. Companies have been too long in a position where they dictated the ways you can get hired. Thankfully these times are over.

You have got the power!

The experiences and your opinion haven’t ever been more powerful. By sharing your frustrations and getting a job with a competitor hurts a company. And do not forget that you have got the newest skills and best knowledge for the challenges of our globalised world.

What can you do right now?

Potentialpark is conducting a global study to tell large companies what you think about them. Take this survey and change the way you will apply for jobs in the future, get access to tips and tricks how to find the perfect job and a possibility to win a trip to Stockholm!

Take 10 minutes and click →  http://bit.ly/2xb0xYD ←  to improve your career search today!


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