Театральна програма в Белграді

Театральна программа для акторів та діячів театру в Блеграді на два тижні. Для громадян України цього року вартість переїзду та проживання компенсується.

Дедлайн – as soon as possible.

Детальний опис англійською:

We are announcing our next edition of international training program for performing artists – Two Open Weeks of PLAVO theatre 2017 , which will take place from July 16 – 29, in Belgrade, Serbia.

We are inviting professional and semiprofessional actors, directors, other theatre artists, dancers, theatre and dance students, but also all other people interested in theatre or self-research using theatrical tools to join the work.

The program will consist of different events such theatre workshops, performances, presentations, demonstrations, concerts, meetings, video presentations.

Beside PLAVO Theatre work and a workshop led by Nenad Colic , PLAVO Theatre director, as a special innovation of Two Open Weeks 2017, participants will have the opportunity to participate in the workshop of Kamila Klamut, actress from Teatr Zar/ The Grotowski Institute , our guest-teacher from Poland, coming directly from the source of Grotowski tradition. She will lead training session in the first week of the program, assisted by Ewa Pasikowska from Teatr Zar.   Due to the support of the donors which sustained the program, this year there will be support provided (accommodation and travel costs) for participants coming from Central European region (the list of the countries is in the attachment).

Детальна інформація у pdf-файлі: Two Open Weeks of PLAVO Theatre 2017

Аплікаційна форма: Two Open Weeks 2017 Registration form

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