Молодіжний саміт в Албанії

Молодь, яка хоче більше дізнатися про медитацію та йогу, запрошується до участі в молодіжному саміті, який відбудеться в Тірані, Албанія, 15 – 18 грудня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The purpose of South East Europe (SEE) Peace Summit is to engage young open-minded leaders and support their growth as change makers to effectively contribute to the region’s sustainable and inclusive development.

The South East Europe Peace Summit is organized World Peace Initiative Foundation, an international NGO established in Thailand in 2010 and committed towards the goal of creating peace by empowering self-development of individuals globally, based on a firm belief that world peace can be achieved if each and everyone of us works on their inner peace first, and then shares it with family, friends and community at large.

The Summit will include engaging activities, meditation, yoga sessions, lectures and discussions providing the participants with new skills for non-violent resistance, peace education, enhanced creativity and stress-management.

SEE Peace Summit is a unique combination of a meditation retreat and a conference, which will bring about the disruptive idea that world peace can be built through inner peace and self-development, confirming that individuals are responsible for and are capable of making a change in their communities. Participants will be able to learn meditation first hand from a Buddhist monk from Thailand!

The South East European region is unique in the way that it aims to improve integration and competitiveness in an area which is as complex as it is diverse. The territory that has been conquered and separated many times, where many cultures, religions, ethnicities and languages are mixed, can now be a place of unity if we just shift our focus to the present moment.

This region could serve as an example of better understanding and making the impossible possible by reuniting and over-passing all differences. It all depends on us. The ones who are ready to tackle the challenge need to be decision makers and passionate about building peaceful actions, seeking and accepting changes, organizing peaceful events, and living a healthy lifestyle.

SEE Peace Summit will provide an excellent platform for a unique combination of sharing, networking, learning and practicing . Yoga and meditation sessions will ensure a comfortable, relaxing and easy atmosphere.

The summit is a unique combination of a meditation retreat (Peace in) and a conference (Peace out), which will bring about the disruptive idea that world peace can be built through inner peace and self-development, confirming that individuals are responsible for and are capable of making a change in their communities.

Along with workshops guided by experienced facilitators working in the field of peacebuilding and inner peace, the highlight of the summit will be meditations sessions guided by Buddhist monks from Thailand who have taught mindfulness and meditation in more than 40 countries on all the continents. Learn more about the themes of the summit here and program here.

Each day will start with a yoga practice and will include several meditations along with interesting and engaging  workshops on personal development, inner peace and peacebuilding led by experienced facilitators from all over Europe. Participants will be provided with a space to share and network with like-minded individuals from SEE region and Europe, to inspire and get inspired, to find partners for your project, to get new ideas and make a positive impact on our society together.

Джерело: http://see.peacesummit.net/about/

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