Терміново шукаємо учасника на онлайн-тренінг “Peace in Practice”

URGENT! ? Call for Participants – Last free places!

We are looking for motivated participant for the great Online training course “Peace in Practice” ?


☮️ Do you agree that we all deserve #peaceful lives, with peaceful minds, non- violent interactions, and without the horrors of war and conflict? Have you ever wondered how we can make this dream come true, step by step?

☮️ Would you be ready to become one of brave young #changemakers who make the world a better place?

☮️ Are you ready to meet amazing people from over 10 countries, make new friendships and get inspired by their ideas and projects?

If you’ve answered these questions with YES – this opportunity is for you! Join our exciting online training course #PeaceInPractice”.

? 30/10/ – 11/11/2020

? More info: http://bit.ly/Peace-in-Practice-training

A training with different workshops about peacebuilding, 3 levels of Peace, interpersonal peace, peace with nature and much more, organized by SCI Switzerland.

This training course is open to participants living in countries with an SCI partner/branch ? https://sci.ngo/about-us/our-movement/where-we-are/

? How to apply? If you want to join, please fill in this form ? http://bit.ly/Form-Peace-in-Practice

We are accepting applications on a rolling basis.


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