Швейцарія: подаємо заявки на онлайн-тренінг “Peace in Practice”

Запрошуємо подавати заявки на онлайн-тренінг “Peace in Practice” від SCI Switzerland (Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera). В цьому проекті є можливість отримати мікрогрант на свої ідеї в розмірі 1200 євро та сертифікат по завершенню тренінгу від Service Civil International.
☮️ The project aims at inspiring you to be and act as a multiplier/messenger of peace, and create a chain of follow-up actions for promoting and living peace on local, national and international level. It consists of several steps, including:
1. International online training course (30.10-11.11.2020);
2. Creation of a poster with “Peace every day” mind map – 100 ways to live peace in everyday life, which will be available in numerous languages;
3. Local actions for peace organised by the training participants (November 2020 – March 2021).
Our first step – the “Peace in Practice” Training Course will allow you to:
? deepen your knowledge and understanding of the concept of peace and its different levels (intrapersonal, interpersonal, with nature),
? learn how to live peace and act for peace through small-scale actions that can be done even without big resources,
get equipped with various peace-related tools and methods you can later use in your work and everyday life,
? be offered space for safe exchange of good practices, of inspiration, of sharing resources and ideas,
? plan a follow-up action to take place in your local community upon the course completion.
As in every SCI training, you will also meet nice people and be able to enjoy an international group of around 30 passionate volunteers and activists!
We believe that the TC will increase your self-confidence, make your work more efficient, and help you have a greater impact on your surrounding community and reality!
Besides that we can offer interested participants’ teams microgrants (of up to 1,200 euro) to implement local peace-related actions, to take place before 31 March 2021.
You will be awarded with a training completion certificate ?, issued by Service Civil International.
? 31/10-11/11/20 (see the schedule in the infosheet)
➡️ All the details and registration form are here: https://cutt.ly/QgpUiuA
Apply before 17/10/20


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