Довгостроковий тренінговий курс “Peace and Conflict Consultant”

Учасники з України запрошуються до участі в тренінговому курсі “Peace and Conflict Consultant”, завдяки якому вони дізнаються про методи вирішення конфліктів, роботу з конфліктами, освіту для дорослих и проектний менеджмент, а також проведуть власний тренінг.

Дати: вересень – грудень 2015 року.

Місце: Україна, Грузія.

Дедлайн: 27 серпня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The aim of the project is the training of selected, civic experts from the field of peace and conflict work. Through the training the participants should gain the tools to increase the quality and flexibility of local conflict management and therefore contribute to the solving of current and future conflicts in the countries of the Eastern Partnership.
The project is designed as a series of workshops and an implementation phase:

Module 1: Introduction to the project and the theoretical background of peace and conflict work. Peer-to-peer exchange between the participants regarding former experiences and achievements. Presentation of local ‘good practice’ projects by external speakers.

Module 2: Introduction to theories, types and methods of conflict analysis and management. Presentation and analysis of local conflicts by the participants.

Module 3: Introduction to techniques of conflict solving, adult education and project management.

Implementation phase: Participants design and implement one workshop in their home-countries.

Module 4: Evaluation and reflection of local workshops. Exchange of ‘lessons learnt’ experiences from the implementation phase and compiling of ‘best practice’ examples.


In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • English language fluency
  • Minimum age 25
  • Citizenship of or permanent residency in one of the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova or Ukraine
  • Previous experience as a trainer
  • Commitment to participate in all 4 activities
  • Motivation to organize and conduct an individual workshop during the implementation phase


  • Travel costs will be fully reimbursed
  • Lodging and catering during the activities are free of charge
  • No fee for training materials
  • Participation-fee: 50,- € per activity (in total: 200 €)

Джерело: http://www.crisp-berlin.org/index.php?id=14&no_cache=1&tx_ttnews[backPid]=3&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=225


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