10 travel-стипендій від NomadMania

Що: стипендія NomadMania – travel scholarships of €1,500 each

Кому надається: студентам університетів як мінімум 2-го курсу, які ще ніколи до цього не подорожували самостійно за кордон (подорожі з батьками не рахуються)

Дедлайн: 31 січня 2021 р.

Мета: The goal of NomadMania is to create a community of avid travellers, to educate about the world as well as to help people with few means to travel more. As a registered not-for-profit in Greece*, NomadMania’s charity division aims to help people from less privileged backgrounds experience more of the world. In order to help create a truly diverse community, we encourage donations from individuals, corporations and foundations.

Вимоги до аплікантів:

The purpose of this scholarship is to give the opportunity to travel to those who are financially unable to do so and who have not previously had the opportunity to travel. Therefore, you should meet these requirements if you want to be considered:

• Be a First-Time Traveller

• Be from an eligible country which has experienced enduring conflict recently (see above list) and have a demonstrable low family income

• Be proficient in one of: English, French, or Spanish if none of these is your native language, or two of: English, French or Spanish if one of these is your native language

• Be in good standing with your university

• Be in good standing with your work, if applicable

• Have a desire to travel, curiously explore new cultures, and positively share your experiences with your home community and the NomadMania travel community NomadMania Scholarship Fund 2021

• Contribute content to the NomadMania community for the website. As part of your scholarship, you will have to submit 2 blog entries consisting of 2 written articles, and photos (or video). One should be submitted before or during your travels, and one upon completion.

• Provide mentorship to future scholarship winners

• Create and update a NomadMania profile

Які документи треба подати?

а. Official current university/college transcript

b. Essay 1 – “Who am I?” Why should you be chosen for this scholarship? Why should we consider you a First-Time Traveller? If you were to receive the scholarship, how would you use it? What are your goals and what do you hope to achieve from the experience? How do you expect the travel experience to impact you? (Must be between 500 and 750 words.)

c. Essay 2 – “Ethics of World Travel” What are some of the ethical issues related to travel today? How will this impact future travels? (Must be between 500 and 750 words.)

d. Idea of your travel plan – Which of the two paths do you wish to be considered for, and what is your specific proposal for this? (No longer than 250 words.)

e. Recommendation – Include a letter of recommendation with the application packet from a professor, employer or a leader of a community service initiative.

f. CV or Resume & Extra-Curricular Activities – Attach a CV or resume including your work experience, extra-curricular activities, leadership roles, and community service.


NomadMania was initially launched in 2012 to encourage travel, to assist travellers in keeping track of their travels and to provide ideas and inspiration of what to see through NomadMania’s Series. NomadMania is the only place where highly ranked travellers are verified to ensure their travel claims are valid while at the same time being the authority on the people who have been to every country.

The goal of NomadMania is to create a community of avid travellers, to educate about the world as well as to help people with few means to travel more. As a registered not-for-profit in Greece*, NomadMania’s charity division aims to help people from less privileged backgrounds experience more of the world. In order to help create a truly diverse community, we encourage donations from individuals, corporations and foundations.

NomadMania Scholarship Fund Overview

2021 will be the inaugural year for NomadMania to provide travel scholarship grants to university students who are first-time travellers from countries with a relatively recent experience of enduring conflict, to and from which the NomadMania team feels travel can take place with adequate safety.

The NomadMania Scholarships are available for university students who have already successfully completed at least their second year of study in their country of citizenship. They must be both a citizen of and studying in one of the above countries. The Scholarships are geared towards those with few financial means. With the NomadMania Scholarship fund, we hope to encourage everyone to follow their travel aspirations, despite obstacles that may inhibit these goals.

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