Тренінг у Бельгії та Грузії “No Hate Bootcamp”

Громадська організація “Non-formal education for youth” збирає учасників на двохетапний тренінговий курс “No Hate Bootcamp”.

Дедлайн – 23 березня.

Детальний опис англійською:

We are happy to officially invite you for our Training Course “No Hate Bootcamp”, funded and supported by the Erasmus+ programme.

The 1st phase of this training will take place in Dworp, Belgium from the 17th of July (arrival time before 6pm) until the 24th of July (departure as of 6pm).

The date of the second activity in Georgia is fixed: 1-7 October 2018.

The aim of the project is to establish & reinforce international cooperation & exchange of good practices between the youth workers & organisations.

The programme is intended to help 33 social activists from 4 countries to begin developing STRATEGIES to combat hate. The participants, through leveraging the efficiency of NON-FORMAL EDUCATION around the activities fighting hate speech & discrimination, will become NO HATE SPEECH AMBASSADORS.
The TARGET GROUP of “No Hate Bootcamp” are the youth workers with experience in the youth field, and strong interest in the cyber hate speech.

We are looking for participants who meet the FOLLOWING CRITERIA

  • motivation to become a No Hate Speech Ambassador
  • experience in international and/or local youth projects, willing to develop own local and international projects and build network
  • Currently involved/working with young people Advanced command of English language

Each participant should also AGREE and COMMIT to:

  • actively participate in both phases of the training course
  • work and deliver all the prerequisites (preparation, self- assessment etc.) for the 1st phase
  • complete the tasks for the intermediary phase
  • implement the follow-up activities after the 2nd phase

Maximum amount to cover your travel expenses: 360 EUR
The breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided.

Application form with deadline 23rd of March: goo.gl/forms/ld4bfBUgKUvKkFav1

Participation fee: 50 EUR

Джерело: https://www.facebook.com/NFE4Y/photos/a.162445537736641.1073741828.158854314762430/172889283358933/?type=3&theater

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