Волонтерство в центрі Multicentrum: простір для гри та навчання дітей у Польщі

Головна концепція центра полягає в використанні Лего – роботі☀️

?Місце: Kwidzyn, Poland

Дати: The timing of the project is flexible. Desirable project dates – from early April to late January 2022, depending on the situation in Europe, 10 months

?Фінансові умови: волонтер забезпечується проживанням, харчуванням, грошами на кишенькові витрати, міжнародним страхуванням, а також квитком до Польщи та назад

? Тема: Education/ Social work

? Дедлайн: 14 березня 2021

The main volunteers’ missions are:

  1. Maintaining educational and pedagogical activities, promoting non-formal education methods
  2. Sharing the European cultural openness’ aspects and various forms of cultural education

A volunteer will work full time with the team of the Hosting Organization from Monday to Friday, on a minimum 32-hour week basis, and this also means being ready to work also in the evenings and sometimes weekends – depending on the event. Volunteers might be asked to take part in evening gatherings with the students and locals. From time to time, a volunteer gets the opportunity to work in associated schools, kindergartens and local institutions with the other ESC volunteers in order to create the joint projects and events.

We are looking for motivated candidates with a proactive, creative, problem-solving and initiative – taking attitude, well-developed organizational skills and at least basic knowledge of English. The one who really enjoys public speaking and not scared of daily routine, motivated to organize different activities that strengthen the integration between polish and international students, kids, youngsters.

?Детальний опис проектy на англійській мові та аплікацйна форма: http://bit.ly/3vhlufN

⚠ Як подати заявку?

Для того, щоб подати заявку надсилайте аплікацйну форму на biuro@akwedukt.org.pl

?Інформація про відправляючу організацію:


PIC: 947609200

OID: E10185376

Address: Lugovska 7/1, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61029

Contact person: Nika Bunziak

Email: evs@ngo-stella.org, info@ngo-stella.org

Accreditation number 2020-1-PL01-ESC52-082432

Phone number:+380977156420, +380634883589

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