Волонтерство в Марокко

Влітку 2015 року в Марокко відбудуться кілька волонтерських проектів. Теми досить різноманітні: викладання англійської або французької мови, культурний обмін, спорт.

Внесок за участь у програмі – 50 євро за два тижні, 100 євро за місяць.

Детальний опис англійською:

Projects starts 2015 July 1st.
The volunteers will develop personal competences living and working in new environment as well as contribute to local community working on the activities that will foster intercultural learning and dialogue. Important part of the volunteers’ activities is courses of cultures for local youth in order to promote cultural diversity and tolerance (understanding) to different cultures.

Event: Leave Your MarkContact person: Saad Maouhoub
Organisation: CVW Morocco
Location: Casablanca, Morocco

Deadline: 25/06/2015
Start: 01/07/2015
End: 01/09/2015
In the community where you will be teaching your presence is invaluable. Classrooms are often overcrowded and teachers need enthusiastic volunteers like you to ease their workload, give the children some extra attention and more exposure to spoken English/French. You may be teaching with fellow volunteers, assisting local Moroccan teachers or occasionally teaching your own classes.

You will also be required to practise English/French with the wider community, providing them with the language skills to be able to take advantage of the increase in tourism in the area.

Our goal is to help our local partner communities develop by providing the children with the necessary skills for improving their future opportunities, all while highlighting the importance in preserving and appreciating the fascinating culture.

Event: Cultural Exchange

Contact person: Karim Fakkar
Organisation: CVW Morocco
Location: Casablanca, Morocco
Deadline: 25/06/2015
Start: 01/07/2015
End: 01/08/2015

This Cultural Exchange Program provides you with the opportunity to spend your Holiday working With CVW . As part of this program, You will have the opportunity to experience a culture and a way of life that most tourists miss on the normal tourist trail. You’ll also be immersed in different cultures from around the world,
The volunteers Will have the opportunity to work with local young peaple and interducing for them there cultural by give them a general information about there countries and showing there tradutions and there history.


Contact person: Youssef OUSSOUK
Organisation: CVW Morocco
Location: Casablanca, Morocco
Deadline: 10/06/2015
Start: 01/07/2015
End: 15/07/2015
Although the Moroccan Government is working hard to improve literacy and promote professional development through the Natonal Initatve for Human Development (NIHD), a large porton of children and adults are not given the opportunity to learn a second language to improve future employment prospects.
Volunteers on the Teaching English or Teaching French project are placed in community centers that provide free or very low cost language classes to members of the local community.

Volunteers can teach children, teenagers or adults, depending on the center in which they are placed.

Volunteers assist the staf at these centers by running intensive language classes, providing tutoring for school exams, helping with homework, and well as organizing educatonal games and actvites.

Often volunteers will run classes in tandem with another internatonal volunteer. When applying for this project, volunteers need to choose either Teaching English or Teaching French.

If you can teach both languages, please outline this on your applicaton form. Please note, volunteers do not need to be qualifed or experienced teachers to partcipate on this project.

Event: Sport For Peace

Contact person: Hamid benaim
Organisation: CVW Morocco
Location: Casablanca, Morocco
Deadline: 25/06/2015

Start: 01/07/2015

End: 01/08/2015
The Volunteers will develop their knowledge and abilities in the areas below:

  • Sport Coaching & Leadership
  • Sport Development Opportunities
  • Sport Media Opportunities
  • Event Management/Organising
  • Officiating in Sport

Sport and physical actvity is becoming increasingly popular within Moroccan culture, as locals have begun to recognize the value it has in personal and physical development.
In additon to fostering teamwork and building social skills, the involvement in physical actvity helps to alleviate delinquency among young Moroccans in developing communites. Volunteers on the Sports Development project contribute to the growth of sport in Morocco through educaton and coaching of sports, such as rugby, basketball, volleyball, handball, soccer and athletcs. Volunteers are also encouraged to introduce new sports and games to the centers in which they are placed.

Key Benefits:

  • Increase your employability skills.
  • Develop your coaching/leading & interpersonal skills.
  • Enhance your CV.
  • Build confidence and self esteem.
  • Meet new people including volunteers/coaches & key people in the sport industry.
  • Have a chance to give back to local communities.
  • Gain practical experience in the sport industry.
  • Opportunities for both training and extra sport qualifications.
  • Receive mentoring and support through your volunteering.

Free Time
Volunteering with CVW not only allows you to participate on programs assisting disadvantaged communities or endangered ecosystems but it also offers wonderful opportunities to travel in the local area in your down time or further afield, either before or after your program.
What is Expected Of The Volunteers?

  • no previous experience or specialty for participating at the camps is necessary
  • to be ready to work 5-6 hours a day
  • to be able to speak at least basic English
  • to join all the camp activities and obey the rules of the camp
  • to arrive at the camp place on the arrival day and depart on the departure day
  • to have their own large insurance in their own countries and bring any necessary documents
  • to bring a big smile and enthusiasm

Volunteer Form Application
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our online application process for volunteers.

To apply to volunteer with Camp Quality you can click the button below, download our Volunteer Application and email it to casavoluntarywork@gmail.com .

Every person want to volunteer in CVW Morocco Programme has to pay a programme fee which is 50 euro for two weeks and 100 euro for one month.
here is More description about the Programs fees:

The program fee covers for the volunteer:

  • 24-hour emergency phone.
  • Long term experienced staff.
  • Moroccan Hosting Family.
  • All meals (unless otherwise stated in field manuals).
  • Welcome meeting.
  • Location orientation.
  • All necessary project training by experienced staff.
  • All necessary project equipment and materials.
  • 24-hour in-country support.
  • Complete immersion in the local culture.
  • Written record of service completion (for volunteers that successfully complete their project).

What’s Not Cover:

  • Flights
  • Medical and travel insurance
  • Personal kit
  • Additional drinks and gratuities
  • Extra local excursions

Джерело: http://cvw.webs.com/2015-summer-program

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6 коментарів

  1. Diana :

    Чи буде волонтерство актуальним на 2016 рік? І розкажіть, будь ласка, за внесок детальніше, і які ще витрати можуть бути?

    • UniStudy :

      ми вже оновили інфо стосовно можливостей волонтерства від цієї ж організації на 2016 рік https://unistudy.org.ua/volunteering-in-morocco/ Можу сказати, що моя знайома дівчина іздила за цією програмою вдітку 2015 року, і залишилася задоволена. Стосовно додаткових витрат, будь ласка, консультуйтеся напряму з організаторами.

  2. Ігор :

    Дуже хотів поїхати волонтером в Марокко, але запізно побачив інформацію. же подав заявку на волонтерство в Австрії. Планую Марокко наступного року. -) Добре було б мандрувати з кимось разом.

  3. Мері :

    Завжди мріяла про щось таке) але єдине, все таки це мусульманська країна. чи гарантуєте ви безпеку?

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