Польсько-український молодіжний обмін “MigrARTion”

Учасники зможуть дослідити тему міграції й відзняти документальний фільм.
Дедлайн – 18 липня.
Детальний опис англійською:
It brings together young people from Poland and Ukraine and gives them a chance to hear the stories of the ordinary people living in the Lower Silesia region who were either displaced to the region after the World War II or moved there in the recent past from Ukraine. The participants are invited not only to listen passively to the stories but also try to find the way to tell them in a short documentary/documentaries, which will be created together during the project.
Film workshops will be held by Dmytro Tiazhlov.
Profile of the Participants: We are looking for the young people from Poland and Ukraine (18-35 y.o.) that have minimal experience in the filmmaking or strong motivation to gain it during the project as well as have an interest to in Polish-Ukrainian history and migration processes between both countries.
The working language is English.
Age requirements: 18-35
Project’s dates: 18-26.08.2017
Project’s venue: Krzyżowa, Poland (a village around 60 km from Wrocław)
Costs and Conditions: Food and accommodation during the project are fully covered. Travel expenses to and from Krzyżowa will be reimbursed (up to 100 Euros for Ukrainians and 50 Euros for Poles). Visa expenses are covered for Ukrainian participants.
Charitable сontribution from a participant: 35 EUR
The project is realized by Fundacja Krzyżowa dla Porozumienia Europejskiego / The Krzyzowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe (Krzyżowa, Poland) and NGO “Cultural Geographies” (Kyiv, Ukraine) with the support of Polsko-Ukraińska Rada Wymiany Młodzieży.
You can find more details about the project and application form on our website.

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