Стажування в Microsoft (США) для аспірантів

Організатори надають студентам аспірантури можливість пройти стажування в Social Media Collective в компанії Microsoft. Мета програми: допомогти молодим спеціалістам у розвитку кар’єри. Результатом цього літнього стажування має стати дослідницька робота, готова для публікації. Стажування оплачуване.

Дедлайн подачі: 6 січня 2020 року


To apply for a PhD internship with the Social Media Collective, fill out the online application form here: https://careers.microsoft.com/us/en/job/734214/Research-Intern-Social-Media-Collective (may prompt you to set up an account first; be patient.)

Applicants must have advanced to candidacy in their PhD program by the time they start their internship. (Unfortunately, there are no opportunities for Master’s students or early PhD students at this time). Applicants from historically marginalized communities, underrepresented in higher education, and students from universities outside of the United States are encouraged to apply.

Your application needs to include:

  • A short description (no more than 2 pages, single spaced) of 1 or 2 projects that you propose to do while interning at MSRNE, independently and/or in collaboration with current SMC researchers. The project proposals can be related to, but must be distinct from your dissertation research. Be specific and tell us:
    • What is the research question animating your proposed project
    • What methods would you use to address your question?
    • How does your research question speak to the interests of the SMC?
    • Who do you hope to reach (who are you engaging) with this proposed research?
  • A brief description of your dissertation project(no more than 1 page, single spaced).
  • An academic article-length manuscript (~7,000 or more) that you have authored or co-authored (published or unpublished) that demonstrates your writing skills.
  • A copy of your CV.
    if available, pointers to your website or other online presence (this is not required).

In addition, you will be asked to submit the names of (at least) two reference letter for this position (one must be your dissertation advisor). After you submit your application, a request for letters may be sent to your list of references on your behalf. Note that reference letters cannot be requested until after you have submitted your application, and furthermore, that they might not be automatically requested for all candidates. You may wish to alert your letter writers in advance, so they will be ready to submit your letter.

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact Mary Gray via email (mlg at microsoft dot com) and include “SMC PhD Internship” in the subject line.

Деталі тут: https://socialmediacollective.org/smc-internships/

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