Модель ЄС у Страсбурзі

Українські учасники можуть подавати заявки на симуляційну конференцію – модель ЄС.

Дати: 2 – 9 квітня.

Місце: Страсбург, Франція.

Дедлайн: 11 січня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Each year, the conference brings together 200 highly motivated students and young professional, giving them the exclusive opportunity to have first-hand experience of the functioning of European institutions right on the premises of the European Parliament. The project is thus completely original in the world of simulations and is already extremely popular among young Europeans from diverse backgrounds, from Law, International Relations, Political Science and European Affairs to History, Media Studies, and Interpreting.

During the course of the simulation, participants debate two controversial, real-life legislative proposals drafted by the European Commission and simulate EU law-making by acting as Members of the European Parliament or Members of the Council of the European Union. The simulation, however, features even more roles for participants in order to enhance its realism. Specifically, participants can also act as: (1) Lobbyists, that work towards influencing the decision-making process in favour of the interests they represent; (2) Journalists, who, through press conferences and interviews, cover and analyse debates in a daily newspaper and video footage; and (3) Interpreters, offering professional interpreting services in the national languages of the EU using the special equipment provided by the European Parliament.

In order to successfully complete your application, you must:

  • Attach your CV
  • Fill out the Application form;
  • Write a short motivation letter (250 words ±10%)*;
  • Answer ONE essay question (500 words ±10%, no endnotes)*
  • Upload any document required for your application.

In order to participate, you need to have your application submitted and accepted, be able to cover your travel costs both to and from Strasbourg and pay the 150€ participation fee. The participation fee covers the accommodation in Strasbourg as well as breakfasts and lunches, social events and transportation within the city.

Джерело: http://www.meu-strasbourg.org/about/

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2 коментарі

  1. 10 Січня, 2016

    […] Джерело: Модель ЄС у Страсбурзі […]

  2. 11 Січня, 2016

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