Набір в команду волонтерів-організаторів MASCOT 2018

MASCOT – це 9-денний англомовний табір, який проводиться в липні та серпні цього року в м. Миколаїв для активних молодих українців, протягом якого ми розкриваємо таланти наших учасників шляхом факультативних занять з музики, театру та ритму, розвиваємо навички роботи в команді, а також проводимо заняття з ораторського мистецтва, проектного менеджменту, управління конфліктами тощо шляхом використання методів неформальної освіти. Детальну інформацію про нас можна знайти на нашому офіційному сайті http://campmascot.com/, а також на сторінках в соціальних мережах fb: campmascot, instagram: campmascot, youtube: Camp Mascot.

Далі – англійською:

MASCOT is a volunteer, non-profit and English-oriented camp full of emotions, amazing people and social projects for our communities.

MASCOT is aimed at active young Ukrainians aged 14-20 who are interested in developing skills in teamwork and personal leadership, learning information about creating their own social projects, regardless of their social and economic status or religion.

The aim of MASCOT is to create an enabling environment in order to familiarize Ukrainian youth with existing social problems of our society (such as escalation of conflicts, social isolation, violence and inequality) for further decision-making.

Applications for Camp Mascot 2018 staff are now open!

Deadline for applications is 1st of April. The second stage of application process – Skype interview – will be conducted from 5th of April.

We are looking for positive and energetic individuals to help us make Camp MASCOT a huge success for the 9th year in a row! The camp staff will be expected to:

  • Primarily speak English (especially teachers and team leaders);
  •  Input ideas for teaching topics, electives, activities, etc.;
  •  Help create a camp manual;
  • Attend staff training 2 days before the camp starts (July 5th and 6th or August 9th and 10th);
  •  Stay one day after the camp for final staff meeting and debrief;
  •  Be energetic, engage with the campers, and always be a positive role model for them.

Transportation within Ukraine, accommodation and food are provided.

We are searching for creative, positive and open-minded people who are eager to work with our campers. The link for applications is below https://goo.gl/forms/N0Yfx4EQlJzjlZrA2

We hope to see you in our #CampMascot2018 family!

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