Семінар для молодих журналістів у Німеччині

Щорічний семінар “M100 Young European Journalists Workshop” запрошує молодих журналістів віком від 18 до 26 років, в тому числі і з України.

Дати: 12 – 18 вересня 2015 року.

Місце: Потсдам, Німеччина.

Дедлайн: 29 червня 2015 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

The prominent role played by propaganda in the political-military conflict between Russia and the Ukraine has become increasingly clear. “In the war of words, Ukraine has become the battlefield. Russian propaganda is Putin’s sharpest weapon,” writes DIE ZEIT. American historian Timothy Snyder has described how – and how dramatically – Russian propaganda has distorted the world’s picture of Ukraine, and what role the media has played in this regard. This year’s M100 Young European Journalists Workshop, encompassing all the countries of the Eastern Partnership but with a particular focus on Ukraine, will examine the use of propaganda instruments and the manipulation and intimidation of journalists, along with the associated effects on the reputation of the media, the population at large, and relationships between the individual countries.

Held in cooperation with the Federal Foreign Ministry, the workshop invites young journalists from the Eastern Partnership countries. The event will offer a six-day intensive workshop led by expert subject-area trainers. Participants will be taught how propaganda works and what its objectives are, how it can be recognised, how to verify information (including within social networks), and how as journalists they can defend themselves against propaganda, co-optation, and manipulation by governments and lobbyists. Participants will also share their own experiences, discussing threats and influences they are exposed to in their own work, and the way that propaganda functions or is deployed in their own countries.

The organisers of the M100 Young European Journalists Workshop will cover accommodation and board during the workshop. A travel allowance is provided.

Please include a brief CV (with a photo) and motivational statement in your application, stating your reasons for applying for this particular workshop (both in English). 20 to 25 participants will be selected from among the applicants and invited to Potsdam from 12 September (arrival) to 19 September 2015 (departure).
Young journalists from Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Belarus, Armenia and Azerbaijan as well as Germany can apply by submitting a text in English (5.000 characters, including spaces maximum) and the following task:

  • “Journalism between Politics, Propaganda and Prison in my country”. Describe your knowledge and own experiences with this issue in your journalistic work, if situation has changed in the last years, if and how media and journalists are controlled or threatened and how they deal with this situation.

Джерело: http://www.m100potsdam.org/

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