Стипендіальна програма ім. Лейна Кіркланда

Програма адресована молодим лідерам, що здобули вищу освіту, які зацікавлені у розвитку демократії, економіки і громадянського суспільства у своїх країнах та в регіоні.
Реалізація Програми відбувається в рамках двосеместрового навчання у вищих навчальних закладах Польщі та 2-4 тижневих професійних стажувань у державних або приватних установах і організаціях.

Дедлайн – 1 березня 2018 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

The candidates who are planning to return to their countries of origin after the scholarship program for the purpose of implementing the newly acquired knowledge therein are welcome to submit their applications.

• Economics and Management
• Administration / Management (i.e. business, NGOs, culture, environment protection and healthcare, education)
• Public Administration (Central and Local Government Administration)
• Law
• Social Sciences (Social Psychology, Sociology)
• Political Science and International Relations
• Development Policy and Humanitarian Aid


The 2018/19 Kirkland scholarships are addressed to individuals who represent the following professional groups:
• civil servants, employees of central and local government institutions
• lawyers
• entrepreneurs,
• managers in business, NGOs, culture, education, environmental protection, healthcare
• leaders of non-governmental organizations, animators in culture and civic activity
• academic teachers
• journalists

Eligibility criteria:

• Citizenship and permanent residence in one of the targeted countries (holders of permanent residence card in Poland are ineligible)
• Master’s degree
• Up to 35 years of age (in special cases up to 40)
• Professional experience of at least 2 years
• Polish language proficiency adequate to effectively attend lectures and seminars as well as to prepare a diploma project or, alternatively, English in case of those candidates who select a specific study program with English as the language of instruction (in such cases, only basic Polish is required). During the interview candidates are required to speak Polish at least at the B1 level (diploma thesis written in Polish) or at least A1 (diploma thesis written in English)


• Candidates actively working in their professional and social fields
• Candidates who have significant achievements
• Candidates who have not studied in Poland before

Required documents:
1. Application form on-line
a) detailed personal questionnaire
b) proposed program of study in Poland explaining
the purpose of participation in the Kirkland Program and including the future plans connected with its completion (not exceeding 4,000-6,000 characters with spaces)
2. Two letters of reference (in Polish, English or Russian), describing the achievements and qualifications of the candidate as well as the expectations connected with the candidate’s further development and work in her/his professional or social field – to be submitted by e-mail
3. Copy of Master’s degree diploma (or PhD diploma) – to be submitted by e-mail


Джерело http://studytours.home.pl/kirkland2017/index.php/aktualnosci/konkursy/94-konkurs/245-ogloszenie

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1 Відповідь

  1. Ivan Kulchytskyy :

    Дуже хороша стипендія. Кому цікаво дізнатися більше про неї запрошую на безкоштовний вебінар про стипендію ім.Л.Кіркланда. http://www.Kulchytskyy.com

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