Гранти ім. Найта-Уоллеса

Гранти для журналістів, які прагнуть підвищити свою кваліфікацію та зацікавлені у стажуванні в Америці. Стипендія надає можливість провести один академічний рік, навчаючись у кращих університетах цієї країни, а також здійснити журналістські поїздки до Аргентини, Бразилії або Туреччини.

Дедлайн: 1 лютого 2017 року.

Детальний опис англійською:
A Knight-Wallace Fellowship is the rarest of opportunities: an academic year of study, reflection and growth at one of the world’s finest universities, nestled in one of the nation’s most livable cities. It is a time of expanding perspectives, intellectual growth and personal transformation.
Each year, the fellowship brings together exceptional journalists from the U.S. and abroad to share this life-changing experience. Our fellows devise a personalized study plan with access to the courses and resources of the University of Michigan. Twice-weekly seminars bring the best from the worlds of journalism and academia directly to you.
Extensive travel is a core component of the Knight-Wallace experience. We place equal emphasis on broadening horizons outside the classroom with news tours to Argentina, Brazil and Turkey and a family trip to Northern Michigan. Where else will you go from pressing fresh apple cider in the crisp air of a Northern Michigan fall to galloping on a horse through the brush on the Argentine Pampas to learning Brazilian dance at an escola de samba?
Stipends and Family Life includes $70,000 for U.S. fellows (stipends for international fellows vary) and opportunities for our fellow’s partners, spouses and children. The intellectual resources of the university as well as the program’s activities are open to spouses and partners. Children are invited to many after-hour events at Wallace House.
Criteria for selection are simple. We seek the best and brightest in journalism today, mid-career professionals with at least five years of professional experience and solid track records, great future promise and, above all, demonstrated leadership in some aspect of journalism.
A typical Knight-Wallace Fellowship class comprises 12 U.S. journalists and six international colleagues.
There are two parts of the application to complete.
If you are unable to apply online, there is a mail-in option.

Knight-Wallace Fellows
Wallace House
620 Oxford Road
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2635
Telephone: (734) 998-7666
FAX: (734) 998-7979


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