Гранти для журналісток на поїздку до Сальвадору і Гватемали

Журналістки з усього світу, які мають мінімум три роки професійного досвіду, можуть брати участь у програмі  IWMF. Переможниці матимуть нагоду взяти участь у тренінгу з безпеки в Мехіко, а потім відправитися в подорож Сальвадором і Гватемалою, щоб підготувати свої матеріали.

Дати: 20 вересня – 7 жовня.

Дедлайн: 4 липня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The IWMF is pleased to announce its first-ever team reporting trip to El Salvador and Guatemala in September/October 2017. The IWMF will select five pairs of women journalists that will travel to San Salvador and Guatemala City for a cross-border reporting trip focused on underreported stories. This opportunity is part of the Adelante Latin America Reporting Initiative. The work of the 51 IWMF Adelante Fellows has been published and aired by leading media outlets around the world. The IWMF will continue to lead reporting trips to Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and the Mexico-United States border until 2020.

The trip will take place September 20 – October 7, 2017, which includes travel dates. All Fellows will begin their trip in Mexico City, where they will complete a comprehensive security training and an orientation about Latin America and Adelante focused countries from September 21 to 24. Fellows then depart for six days of in-country independent reporting from San Salvador, El Salvador (September 25-30), followed by six days of in-country independent reporting from Guatemala City, Guatemala (October 1 to 6). Fellows will have the opportunity to network with in-country journalists, collaborate with international peers, and access a wide range of sources and sites relevant to their reporting.

The IWMF reserves the right to change reporting locations based on the real-time security situation in both locations. The feasibility of day trips outside the base locations will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and determined by IWMF security protocols.

The IWMF’s September/October 2017 El Salvador and Guatemala Reporting Fellowship is open to pairs of women journalists. Both applicants must meet the eligibility criteria and submit a joint application. If selected, teams will be offered group interviews. Individuals cannot apply for this reporting fellowship. The IWMF highly encourages team applications that include at least one journalist from Latin America. To apply, we recommend using a shared email address to create your Submittable account and submit your application. Each applicant must provide their personal information and work samples, in addition to submitting a shared statement of interest, story plans, plans for publication and letter of support. Application notifications sent through Submittable will go to the email address associated with the account.

Have questions about the application process? Want to hear from IWMF Fellows about their experiences on the ground? Before submitting an application, journalists are encouraged to review the application criteria and frequently asked questions (FAQs). Also check out our most recent Adelante Reporting Fellowship Twitter Chat and a sample application.


  • Affiliated or freelance women journalists currently working full time in the news media, with three (3) or more years of professional experience. Internships do not count toward professional experience.
  • Non-native English speakers must have excellent written and verbal English skills in order to fully participate in and benefit from the program.
  • Applicant must be able to show proof of interest from an editor or have a proven track record of publication in prominent media outlets.

The IWMF arranges travel and in-country logistics for all Fellows within the scope of the Fellowship base location and trip dates. The IWMF also covers Fellowship-related costs within the framework of the reporting trip including travel, lodging, meals, and fixers/interpreters, unless a selected journalist’s news organization wishes to assume these costs. Visa costs will also be covered. Fellows living outside the U.S. are responsible for procuring all necessary visas, for which they will be reimbursed at the conclusion of the Fellowship.

ONLINE APPLICATION: The IWMF will accept online applications from May 30, 2017 – July 4, 2017 at 11:59 EDT (Washington, DC).
Apply on the IWMF’s Submittable page


Фото: Ian Dooley https://unsplash.com/

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