Стажування в Центрі європейських студій ім. Вілфреда Мартенса

Центр європейських студій ім. Вілфреда Мартенса (The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies) запрошує подавати заявки на участь в оплачуваному стажуванні тривалістю від трьох до шести місяців. Метою програми є надати учасникам глибокі знання щодо європейських питань та досвід роботи в європейських установах.

Місце: Брюссель, Бельгія.

Дедлайн: дедлайну немає, можливість стажування надається протягом цілого року.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, established in 2007 as the political foundation and official think tank of the European People’s Party, offers internships of three to six months for university graduates and young researchers from Europe and world-wide. The internship programme is intended to provide the trainees with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of European affairs and to have close insights into the daily work of the European institutions in Brussels. Therefore, it constitutes an excellent experience for young graduates aspiring to pursue a career in the area of European politics and related fields.

The internship is focused on immersing the successful candidates in the short-term and long-term policy research and other activities of the Centre:

  • Organizing meetings and conferences;
  • Preparing reports and analysis;
  • Editing publications including the “European View”;
  • Updating the website, blog and databases;
  • Communicating with the European People’s Party in policy research and other activities.

In order to be eligible for the internship candidates must:

  • Hold a university degree;
  • Have an academic background in European affairs or related fields;
  • Have good knowledge of European politics;
  • Have fluency in English;
  • Be computer literate.

Experience in policy research and adequate knowledge of one or two more languages will be considered assets.

The internships are remunerated on a level comparable to the internship programmes offered at the European institutions.
Interested candidates should send a detail CV and a cover letter by e-mail at: jobs@thinkingeurope.eu to the attention of Tomi Huhtanen, Director, indicating “Internship” in the subject-line.
There is no application deadline, applications are accepted on a rolling basis and internships are granted depending on demand throughout the year.
Джерело: http://martenscentre.eu/join-team

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